mardi 15 décembre 2009
AUDJPY: Technical Analysis
Well, my posts are few and far between these days.In case anyone else is still following long here is some good information on the 3hr AUDJPY.We have a nice symmetric triangle going all the way back to November 25th.See?I'm expecting this to break (upward) and then run into a downward sloping resistance line on the 1d AUDJPY. However, we'll have to wait and see. I've been wrong (more than a few
lundi 30 novembre 2009
Challenging Times
While I realize the world went through a bit of an unwind, before and after the Dubai incident, I've been busy with work and family issues instead.Things have just been incredibly busy!In any case, what with the volatility and unwinding that has been going on it's probably a good time to be inactive. I did manage to blow up my small discretionary account (my robots are far better traders than I
vendredi 13 novembre 2009
Trading Week Recap
I've been leery of letting BREAD (my primary trading robot) trade too much. I suspect prior tweaks have it taking too much risk. As such I kept it on a short leash and it only earned 0.9% for the week. Perhaps I'll have time to make some adjustments over the weekend.On the discretionary front I was back down to a more reasonable 13% this week. Last week's 34% was probably some type of market
jeudi 12 novembre 2009
Faizumi-fx v2.2
mercredi 11 novembre 2009
AUDJPY: Ominously Flat
I'm looking at a short term chart, but the lack of volatility suggests that something is in the air.Even with the recent good news from China things have been relatively lethargic.The daily chart is also showing the potential to have a few down days.This seems like a good time to manage risk.UPDATE: This evening, while I was on the road, I see that we had a nice spike upwards, hitting my
mardi 10 novembre 2009
AUDJPY: Support Becomes Resistance
My last post showed a profitable overnight setup based on a week long support line on the 1hr chart.Here, I've got an example of a support becoming resistance once it has been violated.Take a look at the following 15min chart:See the violation around 9:00pm last night? As an aside, this was a good point to try a well protected short. Overnight we tested a longer term support line (see my
lundi 9 novembre 2009
AUDJPY: Price Alert
Since I'm awake I thought I'd point out a price alert.The AUDJPY currency pair is testing a support line.A long tail break (closing on or above the support line) would still be a bullish sign.Anywhere, here's a recent 1hr chart snip.This is a good place to look for a trade. Good luck.NOTE: See the previous post... it shows the support line valid since November 1st.UPDATE: Upon waking this
Price Action Forex Trading
Price action is a type of technical Forex trading that is based on the bare prices and charts instead of the usual indicators. Traders that employ various price action trading techniques believe that bare prices and charts can tell us everything we need and that indicators, while being helpful for calculating some statistical dependencies, create a time lag that can be critical in Forex. In fact, all indicators and any other methods are based on the data that is a part of a price action. So, price action is just a broad definition for the rather raw technical market data. The four techniques that are presented here arent the full set of price action trading instruments; they are just the most popular and interesting ones.
Tape Reading. The term refers to the times when the stock quotes came to the trading houses (more like the modern betting firms) in a form of a tape telegram. Traders analyzed the changes in the quotes, their speed and volume and, basing on this analysis, issued their trade orders. Modern tape reading in Forex is somewhat different — you just analyze the quote as its displayed in your brokers terminal and then trade using your analysis of the data. Its the most basic way of trading and some new traders start from it without knowing how is it called. Tape reading is mostly suitable for scalping and cant be used for the long-term entries.
Japanese Candlestick Patterns. Many different patterns, formed by the Japanese candles, are recognized by the Forex traders. Such patterns are usually quite small (they consist of 1 to 4 candles) and can be spotted on all timeframes. Japanese candlestick patterns arent too reliable but the abundance of symbols compensates the low winning rate. This type of trading is a part of price action but it requires some basic chart analysis.
Chart Patterns. Patterns formed by the price fluctuations of the chart are numerous — triangles, wedges, double-tops, double-bottoms, head-and-shoulders and many others are all part of this trading technique. Opposite to the Japanese candlestick patterns these patterns are usually formed by many chart bars and often serve only for the long-term market evaluation. Chart patterns sometimes have a strong fundamental basement and are thus valued by the professional traders and the Forex market tends to «follow» them simply due to their popularity.
Point-and-Figure Charts. This type is a bit more difficult than everything else in the price action domain. Its also arguable that point-and-figure can be considered a price action technique at all. P&F charts are built based on the price changes, independently on time. The columns of Xs are formed when the price is rising, while the columns of Os are formed during falling trends. The columns of Xs and Os follow each after another. A price should pass a certain amount to form an O or X or reverse in an opposite direction for a significantly higher amount to start forming a new column. Trends can be easily read in such charts and many Forex traders use the strategy to buy and sell exactly at the new columns start to catch the new trend.
Not all traders can use price action techniques successfully, the same as not everyone can trade with the indicators profitably. Price action can be used alone but it also can be interesting for other methods confirmation. With price action techniques you can always scale in and out and flexibly change your strategies as well.
Tape Reading. The term refers to the times when the stock quotes came to the trading houses (more like the modern betting firms) in a form of a tape telegram. Traders analyzed the changes in the quotes, their speed and volume and, basing on this analysis, issued their trade orders. Modern tape reading in Forex is somewhat different — you just analyze the quote as its displayed in your brokers terminal and then trade using your analysis of the data. Its the most basic way of trading and some new traders start from it without knowing how is it called. Tape reading is mostly suitable for scalping and cant be used for the long-term entries.
Japanese Candlestick Patterns. Many different patterns, formed by the Japanese candles, are recognized by the Forex traders. Such patterns are usually quite small (they consist of 1 to 4 candles) and can be spotted on all timeframes. Japanese candlestick patterns arent too reliable but the abundance of symbols compensates the low winning rate. This type of trading is a part of price action but it requires some basic chart analysis.
Chart Patterns. Patterns formed by the price fluctuations of the chart are numerous — triangles, wedges, double-tops, double-bottoms, head-and-shoulders and many others are all part of this trading technique. Opposite to the Japanese candlestick patterns these patterns are usually formed by many chart bars and often serve only for the long-term market evaluation. Chart patterns sometimes have a strong fundamental basement and are thus valued by the professional traders and the Forex market tends to «follow» them simply due to their popularity.
Point-and-Figure Charts. This type is a bit more difficult than everything else in the price action domain. Its also arguable that point-and-figure can be considered a price action technique at all. P&F charts are built based on the price changes, independently on time. The columns of Xs are formed when the price is rising, while the columns of Os are formed during falling trends. The columns of Xs and Os follow each after another. A price should pass a certain amount to form an O or X or reverse in an opposite direction for a significantly higher amount to start forming a new column. Trends can be easily read in such charts and many Forex traders use the strategy to buy and sell exactly at the new columns start to catch the new trend.
Not all traders can use price action techniques successfully, the same as not everyone can trade with the indicators profitably. Price action can be used alone but it also can be interesting for other methods confirmation. With price action techniques you can always scale in and out and flexibly change your strategies as well.
dimanche 8 novembre 2009
AUDJPY Forecast
What the heck, I may as well jump out on a limb and let you know what I'm seeing with the AUDJPY.Basically, if you look at the chart, we've had a good support line since the beginning of November.Now, if I've got the right chart uploaded, take a look below:Personally, I'd suggest taking a long position when the price approaches the support line. You can set a nearby stop and protect yourself
vendredi 6 novembre 2009
Trading Week Recap
Since the trading robot, BREAD, was predominantly sidelined for the last couple of weeks I felt the need to do more discretionary trading.While the capital used wasn't very large it felt great to pull in a 34% increase over the course of the week. If I could scalp like this all the time it would definitely spell the end of the day job. I have dreams of setting up a trading office with spacious
jeudi 5 novembre 2009
Da Signals
It takes a lot of fortitude to use them but I think the signals blog is proving itself useful.For example, right now we seem to have established a bottom in the recent AUDJPY downward movement.So, especially under such a condition, we get good results if we see a signal and then look for confirming behavior. Basically, the signals are great lead-ins to a period of analysis.No, they aren't all
samedi 31 octobre 2009
La psychologie du trader
Comme vous le savez, nous sommes tous très différent et nos émotions nous font réagir différemment face au marché. Chacune de nos émotions influence notre trading, de la prise de décision d'un achat jusqu'à la vente, qu'elle soit positive ou négative.
Une prise de décision est d'abord un stress car c'est une plongé dans l'inconnu même si l’on se sent rassurer par sa technique ou ses indicateurs. La décision est-elle bonne ? Le trade va-t-il partir dans le sens approprié ? L'a t’on pris au bon moment ? Tout une foule de question que l'on ne se pose pas avant une décision mais qui dans les secondes ou les minutes qui suivent arrivent à notre cerveau.
Dans le cas ou le trade suit notre réflexion, notre cerveau se détend mais la encore la question qui vient rapidement et de savoir quand couper la pose tout fier de nos gains. La plupart des gens ont l'habitude de couper rapidement leur pose de peur de voir le trade repartir dans l'autre sens ou alors d'assurer un minimum. Ils ont gagné, mais peu...Mais, ils sont contents.
D'autres au contraire laisse la pose vivre, dés fois trop vivre, trop confiant et coupe perdant sans avoir sécurisé leur pose.
Chacun vous dira que la décision de vendre et aussi difficile que la décision d'acheter.
Quand le trade ne suit pas la réflexion et qu'il va dans le sens contraire alors là, notre cerveau se met en ébullition et si tout d'un coup le cours s'accélère dans la perte, nos émotions risquent de nous jouer un sacré tour.
La première erreur et de ne pas avoir mis un stop loss ou alors de le déplacer à la baisse en se disant "ça va remonter" "ça va redescendre" et donc pourquoi perdre si je dois sortir gagnant ?
La deuxième erreur serait de dire, je vais moyenner ma pause. Bien souvent une première erreur entraîne une seconde et après une catastrophe.
Bien sûr, cela peut marcher mais si cela ne marche pas ?
Alors le trader reste seul en contemplant la perte qui s'aggrave et qui s'aggrave. Le trader est tétanisé. Il sait qu'il faut couper mais quand il voit le montant de la perte, il se dit "non", et toujours cet espoir d'un changement du sens du cour qui ne vient pas.
Dans ces moments là, on ne sait plus quoi faire et on guette ses indicateurs dans l'espoir d'une inversion de tendance. Mais rien ne se passe.
Alors par dépit, on coupe et généralement on coupe au plus bas et la première des choses que l'on ressent c'est un grand soulagement malgré la perte. On a arrêté de se torturer. Mais ensuite et comme par magie on constate que le cours revient dans le bon sens et là, on se sent vraiment mal. Certains iront même jusqu'à reprendre une pose se disant cette fois je suis dans le bon sens....Pas sur........
Généralement après une grosse perte le trader est défait et si le prochain trade se passe mal alors survient la peur allant jusqu'à engendrer l'impossibilité de prendre une décision de trade et dans les cas de grosse perte ou de perte total du capital, la dépression.
Un autre facteur de perte et la cupidité.
La cupidité est le fait de trader avec un fort levier. C'est encore pire que de ne pas mettre de stop loss car chaque trade devient un trade kamikaze ou le trader risque de perdre sa chemise. Il est vrais que trader pour gagner 10 euros, si on a un capital de 1000 euros c'est bien peu lorsqu'un broker vous offre la possibilité de multiplier avec un levier votre capital par 100 et donc normalement votre gain pas 100.
Malheureusement, là encore, une mauvaise décision et tout peut aller très vite et votre capital s'évanouir aussi vite.
De ce fait et si vous voulez survivre dans le monde du forex, prenez un levier qui vous corresponde. Mettez un stop loss vous permettant de perdre un minimum sans vous mettre en danger. Apprenez à dominer vos émotions, à respirer et à patienter. Évitez, l'intuition, l'impression, l'ennui, la cupidité, le manque de réalisme qui entraîne l'échec. Enfin, seul un bon indicateur pris au bon moment pourra vous permettre de gagner
A lire aussi, mes analyses techniques journalières sur l’euro/$
Si vous avez une question sur le forex, un broker, un indicateur, ou toute question sur le forex, n'hésitez pas à laissez un message.....
Apprendre le forex, débuter le forex, un conseil sur un broker du forex, un expert vous répond sur
Une prise de décision est d'abord un stress car c'est une plongé dans l'inconnu même si l’on se sent rassurer par sa technique ou ses indicateurs. La décision est-elle bonne ? Le trade va-t-il partir dans le sens approprié ? L'a t’on pris au bon moment ? Tout une foule de question que l'on ne se pose pas avant une décision mais qui dans les secondes ou les minutes qui suivent arrivent à notre cerveau.
Dans le cas ou le trade suit notre réflexion, notre cerveau se détend mais la encore la question qui vient rapidement et de savoir quand couper la pose tout fier de nos gains. La plupart des gens ont l'habitude de couper rapidement leur pose de peur de voir le trade repartir dans l'autre sens ou alors d'assurer un minimum. Ils ont gagné, mais peu...Mais, ils sont contents.
D'autres au contraire laisse la pose vivre, dés fois trop vivre, trop confiant et coupe perdant sans avoir sécurisé leur pose.
Chacun vous dira que la décision de vendre et aussi difficile que la décision d'acheter.
Quand le trade ne suit pas la réflexion et qu'il va dans le sens contraire alors là, notre cerveau se met en ébullition et si tout d'un coup le cours s'accélère dans la perte, nos émotions risquent de nous jouer un sacré tour.
La première erreur et de ne pas avoir mis un stop loss ou alors de le déplacer à la baisse en se disant "ça va remonter" "ça va redescendre" et donc pourquoi perdre si je dois sortir gagnant ?
La deuxième erreur serait de dire, je vais moyenner ma pause. Bien souvent une première erreur entraîne une seconde et après une catastrophe.
Bien sûr, cela peut marcher mais si cela ne marche pas ?
Alors le trader reste seul en contemplant la perte qui s'aggrave et qui s'aggrave. Le trader est tétanisé. Il sait qu'il faut couper mais quand il voit le montant de la perte, il se dit "non", et toujours cet espoir d'un changement du sens du cour qui ne vient pas.
Dans ces moments là, on ne sait plus quoi faire et on guette ses indicateurs dans l'espoir d'une inversion de tendance. Mais rien ne se passe.
Alors par dépit, on coupe et généralement on coupe au plus bas et la première des choses que l'on ressent c'est un grand soulagement malgré la perte. On a arrêté de se torturer. Mais ensuite et comme par magie on constate que le cours revient dans le bon sens et là, on se sent vraiment mal. Certains iront même jusqu'à reprendre une pose se disant cette fois je suis dans le bon sens....Pas sur........
Généralement après une grosse perte le trader est défait et si le prochain trade se passe mal alors survient la peur allant jusqu'à engendrer l'impossibilité de prendre une décision de trade et dans les cas de grosse perte ou de perte total du capital, la dépression.
Un autre facteur de perte et la cupidité.
La cupidité est le fait de trader avec un fort levier. C'est encore pire que de ne pas mettre de stop loss car chaque trade devient un trade kamikaze ou le trader risque de perdre sa chemise. Il est vrais que trader pour gagner 10 euros, si on a un capital de 1000 euros c'est bien peu lorsqu'un broker vous offre la possibilité de multiplier avec un levier votre capital par 100 et donc normalement votre gain pas 100.
Malheureusement, là encore, une mauvaise décision et tout peut aller très vite et votre capital s'évanouir aussi vite.
De ce fait et si vous voulez survivre dans le monde du forex, prenez un levier qui vous corresponde. Mettez un stop loss vous permettant de perdre un minimum sans vous mettre en danger. Apprenez à dominer vos émotions, à respirer et à patienter. Évitez, l'intuition, l'impression, l'ennui, la cupidité, le manque de réalisme qui entraîne l'échec. Enfin, seul un bon indicateur pris au bon moment pourra vous permettre de gagner
A lire aussi, mes analyses techniques journalières sur l’euro/$
Si vous avez une question sur le forex, un broker, un indicateur, ou toute question sur le forex, n'hésitez pas à laissez un message.....
Apprendre le forex, débuter le forex, un conseil sur un broker du forex, un expert vous répond sur
vendredi 30 octobre 2009
Tough Week All Around
With the recent downward move in the AUDJPY my robot has been sidelined. No big deal really but it does point to a possible correlation as I'd noted earlier. After a very good robot week, perhaps with behavior characteristic of a local top and massive robot profit, the market takes a downturn. There are only two data points so far but I'm definitely staying on the lookout for this. Above
mardi 27 octobre 2009
Signals Blog Online
Just a short note to let you know that my new signals blog is online. Obviously this is a use at your own risk situation.Robot Price AlertsAnyway, when my robots notice various conditions they will post a message concerning the event in question.The only notice type currently active may identify a situation that will either have a short term AUDJPY price rise offering a scalping opportunity or a
dimanche 25 octobre 2009
Minor BREAD Adjustments
The BREAD trading robot has had a minor tweak during this last weekend.To make a long story short, another risk modification metric has been defined. If things work as planned this will give the robot the ability to trade over a wider currency pair price move. Obviously, the plan is to simultaneously maintain the same level of profitability.My initial readings on quantitative analysis, via
Le scalping
Le scalping est une technique que j'utilise souvent. Elle consiste à ne conserver les positions que quelques secondes, voire quelques minutes. Il n'y a pas d'analyse ou de réflexion derrière cela, juste un besoin d'adrénaline.
Grâce à mon broker Oanda, j'utilise le macd 30 sec ou le 1 mn qui me permettent de rentrer au plus bas et de sortir le mieux possible. Il m'arrive aussi de scalper sur du 10 sec, mais c'est très exceptionnel. De même, le faible spread sur euro/$ (0.9 pip), me permet de prendre un maximum de pip (entre 3 et 15), là ou un autre broker avec un spread plus important m'en donnerait moins et pourrait me mettre en danger sur un petit retour.
Le problème du scalping vient du fait que souvent on est tenté par la contre tendance. C'est un jeu très dangereux mais permettant un gain rapide car les retours sont rapides et brusques.
De ce fait, les petites ou très petites UT sont parfaites. Mais attention, vous n'aurez pas de droit à l'erreur et vos stop loss devront être proportionnels au gain que vous en attendez à savoir pour moi -10 pips.
Cette technique demande beaucoup de concentration et un marché de range sera parfait. A contrario, on évitera les tendances bien nettes qui pourraient impliquer de grosses pertes. On évitera aussi les statistiques.
A lire aussi, mes analyses techniques journalières sur l’euro/$
Si vous avez une question sur le forex, un broker, un indicateur, ou toute question sur le forex, n'hésitez pas à laissez un message.....
Grâce à mon broker Oanda, j'utilise le macd 30 sec ou le 1 mn qui me permettent de rentrer au plus bas et de sortir le mieux possible. Il m'arrive aussi de scalper sur du 10 sec, mais c'est très exceptionnel. De même, le faible spread sur euro/$ (0.9 pip), me permet de prendre un maximum de pip (entre 3 et 15), là ou un autre broker avec un spread plus important m'en donnerait moins et pourrait me mettre en danger sur un petit retour.
Le problème du scalping vient du fait que souvent on est tenté par la contre tendance. C'est un jeu très dangereux mais permettant un gain rapide car les retours sont rapides et brusques.
De ce fait, les petites ou très petites UT sont parfaites. Mais attention, vous n'aurez pas de droit à l'erreur et vos stop loss devront être proportionnels au gain que vous en attendez à savoir pour moi -10 pips.
Cette technique demande beaucoup de concentration et un marché de range sera parfait. A contrario, on évitera les tendances bien nettes qui pourraient impliquer de grosses pertes. On évitera aussi les statistiques.
A lire aussi, mes analyses techniques journalières sur l’euro/$
Si vous avez une question sur le forex, un broker, un indicateur, ou toute question sur le forex, n'hésitez pas à laissez un message.....
Quantitative Analysis?
It has been more than a few years since I've had to apply any serious math skills towards my work. However, I have noticed some discussion of quantitative analysis in a few forex forums as well as job listings posted for quants.For a very general introduction to this concept here are some links from Wikipedia:Stochastic calculusItō calculusMonte Carlo option modelStochastic
vendredi 23 octobre 2009
Robot Trading: Six Weeks In
Things are going well. As you can see BREAD (Basic Robot Earning All Day) is starting to look like a winner. Return Day 0.1900% Sun 13 September 3.2339% Mon 14 3.1616% Tue 15 3.2615% Wed 16 2.1510% Thu 17 0.4442% Fri 18 --------------- 13.05% 0.1850% Sun 20 2.0259% Mon 21 0.9016% Tue 22 1.1536% Wed 23 0.2460% Thu 24 0.1338% Fri 25 ----------
mercredi 21 octobre 2009
Forex Robot Wars: BREAD vs ARTFAB
Two titans of the forex robot trading industry are squaring off in the search for higher profits.In the green corner we have BREAD (Basic Robot Earning All Day) with consistent earnings of approximately 1.2% per day. In the other green corner we have the relatively new ARTFAB (A Rising Tide Floats All Boats) with very promising early results. Already today ARTFAB has locked in over 3.0%
mardi 20 octobre 2009
AUDJPY: Market Call
The AUDJPY has done a whole lot of nothing for the last few days.Can you blame it? It must be tired after the recent climb.More seriously, with the RBA considering whether to raise rates another 25 or perhaps even 50 basis points, I don't expect any type of calamitous drop.I think we might see a drop down to 83.00 again but if it does stop in that region I'd consider the range between there and
dimanche 18 octobre 2009
Possible AUDJPY Reversal Point
I obviously have no guarantees but, according to my own proprietary reversal indicator, this is a potential reversal point.Again, do your own homework, but this is the "signal" I'll be posting to my alerts blog...UPDATE: It's about 9:49pm and the AUDJPY 1hr chart is showing a potential twin tail.UPDATE: It's 10:03pm and here's the 1hr chart right now...And here's the chart from my last post
AUDJPY: October Trend
The AUDJPY has been on an upward trajectory for a while now.There is no telling, at least not in advance, whether we'll see more massive upward movement due to hawkish statements from the RBA or not.However, here is a 3hr chart showing recent movements:Obviously, clear support and resistance helps identify some lower risk entry points.
vendredi 16 octobre 2009
New Robot Rules Fermenting
It's late Friday night, the markets are closed, and all through the house not a creature is stirring. Well, nobody but the scheming trader hatching up another robotic system.As someone who designs software systems for a living I can assure you that, in terms of making improvements, nothing is more helpful than watching a system in action. The key point here is the concept of "seeing" the results
jeudi 15 octobre 2009
Meteoric AUDJPY Rise
I'm starting to get more than a little cautious about the stellar increase in the AUDJPY over the last several days.While it's true that markets can continue to move higher or lower for long periods of time it's important not to get too caught up in recent events. In fact, though we all react to these things at different rates, you can consider it a warning whenever there is something to get
mercredi 14 octobre 2009
Recent Forex Results
I've had some success analyzing the AUDJPY over the last few days. In particular, whether by luck or otherwise I managed to spot some channels, one of them an apparent bull flag, a wedge leading to 82.00 and then predicting a breakthrough beyond that level.It's very rewarding to make an observation and then have results conform to your expectations.Anyway, I'm still letting my robot do my
mardi 13 octobre 2009
AUDJPY: Possible Bull Flag
My last post focused on a short term channel.This time I'm looking at a longer term trend -- though still on the 1hr AUDJPY chart. This one looks like it might be a bull flag.It's always hard to tell. However, with future interest rate hikes expected, it's likely we'll continue our upward movement if signs of an Australian recovery remain strong.Here's the chart:Play safe.UPDATE: It's 7:00am
AUDJPY: Channel on the 1hr
There's a channel on the AUDJPY 1hr chart.For as long as the channel decides to last we have an opportunity at either the top or bottom levels.Notice it going back and forth?This is perfect for my custom trading robot...Unfortunately, predictability never lasts.Well, that was nice. It's about an hour and half later... see the bounce? Click the image to get a larger version...Are we going to
lundi 12 octobre 2009
AUDJPY: 3hr A/D Trend
Here's a snip showing the accumulation distribution on the AUDJPY since the 2nd of October.The recent test of the support line happened today near 2:30pm. Obviously, the fact that the RBA appears to be ready to continue a series of interest rate hikes appears to be driving this.I'm looking for this line to break.UPDATE: It's just after 6:30pm and I figured it might be nice to get a larger look
Robot Upgrades: Preliminary Results
On weekends I like to either tweak existing robots or create new ones. While it's very early in the process I think the most recent tweaks are going to have a noticeable positive effect.I woke up around 4:00am this morning and thought I'd check on the computer. What did I see? A nice AUDJPY move from 81.10 to 81.50 for now. Anyhow, this weekend's tweaks were operating on the dip and return.
vendredi 9 octobre 2009
BREAD's Trading Results
Yes, for lack of a better name I am calling my robot BREAD. This is short for Basic Robot Earning All Day. It has been given minor tweaks from time to time but it still continues to follow the same system and strategy... taking advantage of constant price oscillations in the AUDJPY. While the results don't look all that spectacular I invite you to investigate how this ends up in a compound
jeudi 8 octobre 2009
Skeptical About The AUDJPY?
I'm sorry you feel that way. Perhaps after looking at the following chart snip you'll think that you may have missed the boat.See how the daily chart shows solid support since March? March! Hello, it's a little too late to be skeptical. The question you have to ask yourself is why has the AUDJPY been performing so well and how long will it continue to do so.On another note, I'm going to start
mercredi 7 octobre 2009
Beating The AUD Drum
Did anyone notice this AUD tidbit?Unemployment fell to 5.7% from 6.0% against expectations of no change. The extremely strong job number will cement expectations that the RBA will continue to hike rates and perhaps be more aggressive in doing so.If you been following my blog this isn't going to be a surprise.As my last post said... buy on dips.
mardi 6 octobre 2009
Buy AUDJPY On Dips?
It's very plausible that the RBA (Reserve Bank of Australia) has started the slow process of moving interest rates from emergency levels to normal.RBA Starts Rate RisesWe'll want to see what happens over the next couple of months in order to confirm this analysis. However, from now on whenever the markets are panicked about the latest downward surprise, it might be time to dip your toes in.We're
US Economy Heads Up
If you are wondering what is going on with the US economy, this puzzle piece from CNBC will fit in very nicely.Dunkelberg: You Can't See Main Street From Wall StreetWhat this is saying is that there probably is not a small business collapse in the works due to credit issues. Smaller businesses will simply wait until they see consumer spending before they bother to access credit.Personally, I am
lundi 5 octobre 2009
Robot Strategy / Development
Without getting into detailed specifics I thought I'd try to answer a recent question about the strategies I'm trying with my various robots.First, a bit of background in case this is the first post you see on this blog:I design software and systems for a livingI've been trading for years -- learning through the heart of the downturn.With that out of the way I'd suggest looking at one of my posts
samedi 3 octobre 2009
AUDJPY Roller Coaster
Generally, I follow and prefer to trade the AUDJPY. It goes through unwinds from time to time as the bigger players suffer fits of risk aversion.For the last few weeks we've been bouncing back and forth between 77 and 80. On the way down, with all the gloom and doom blaring in the media, it feels like we must be about to fall off a cliff.It's difficult not to be scared. After all, anyone who
dimanche 27 septembre 2009
Japan's Currency Hits a 7 Month High
The Yen rose to a 7 month high versus the Dollar as Japan's new government reiterated its opposition to pursuing deliberate currency devaluation strategy. The Sterling dropped to a 3 month low versus the Dollar last week after Bank of England Governor Mervyn King was quoted as saying the Pound's weakness is aiding in stabilizing the U.K.'s economy. Today's trading day will likely experience the markets reaction to the G20 leaders' decisions, mainly their pledge to continue supporting the stimulus efforts.

USD - USD Falls below 90.00 Yen
The Dollar weakened on Friday after a set of mixed U.S economic reports as well as reports that the G20 leaders will continue to provide support for the global economy. The Dollar index fell to 76.774 Friday, down from 76.901 late Thursday. The Dollar remained down more than 1% versus the Japanese Yen after statements by Japan's Finance Minister Hirohisa Fujii that he opposes intervening in the currency markets to curb the rise in the Yen.
Orders of durable goods unexpectedly fell 2.4% in August. Sales of new homes rose 0.7% to a 429,000 pace in August, much slower than the expected 442,000. On the other hand, the Reuters-University of Michigan consumer sentiment index was revised to 73.5 in September, compared to a previous estimate of 70.2 and 65.7 in August, beating analysts expectations.
No news events are expected today form the U.S; therefore, it is likely that Dollar sentiment will be determined by investors' reactions to the G20 concluding statements.
EUR - Sterling Trades at a 3 Month Low vs. USD
The Sterling dropped to a 3 month low below $1.60 last week after Bank of England (BOE) Governor Mervyn King was quoted stating the Pound's weakness is aiding in the recovery of the U.K economy. The EUR traded at $1.4665, up 0.2% from Thursday.
The Sterling slid 2.1% versus the Dollar last week following very dovish announcements by BOE Governor Mervyn King, calling the Pound's recent drop “very helpful.” The Pound fell Friday to $1.5918, the lowest level since June 8, and depreciated to 91.19 per ERU, the weakest level since April 1.
While a rather slow news day is expected today, ECB president Trichet's speech at 2:30 GMT is likely to provide volatility to the EUR as interest rate targets and exit strategies are likely to be discussed.
JPY - Yen at a 7 Month high versus the Dollar
The Yen registered sharp gains Friday, breaching the significant Y90.00 barrier against the Dollar and reaching the highest levels versus the greenback in over 7 months. Japan's currency benefited from supportive comments from Japan's finance minister Hirohisa Fujii who said that he opposes intentional devaluation of the Yen.
The JPY advanced 1.8% this week to 89.64 per Dollar from 91.29 on Sept. 18, briefly touching 89.51 Friday, the strongest level since Feb. 5. The currency also gained 2% to 131.70 per ERU, from 134.33.
Crude Oil - Crude Prices up Slightly on Mixed Data
At the end of a very volatile trading day Friday, Crude Oil futures rose slightly, for the first session in 3, following the release of mixed economic data from the U.S as well as on increased odds of broad based sanctions against Iran, the world's 4th largest Oil producer. Crude for November delivery rose 13 cents, or 0.2%, to end at $66.20 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange, after dropping as low as $65.05, the lowest level since July 30. Overall futures tumbled more than 8% this week, the biggest weekly loss in more than two months.
The unexpected jump in the Reuters/UoM Consumer Sentiment Index to 73.5 in September helped push up Oil prices; however, concerns over weak demand dampened Friday's gains. Furthermore, several worse than expected economic data from the U.S stemmed further Oil's Gains.
With last Wednesday's report by the Energy Information Administration (EIA) stating that inventories of Crude Oil, gasoline and other petroleum products all rose last week and a lack of any significant economic news today, Oil prices will likely continue to stay subdued throughout today's trading day.
Article Source - Japan's Currency Hits a 7 Month High

USD - USD Falls below 90.00 Yen
The Dollar weakened on Friday after a set of mixed U.S economic reports as well as reports that the G20 leaders will continue to provide support for the global economy. The Dollar index fell to 76.774 Friday, down from 76.901 late Thursday. The Dollar remained down more than 1% versus the Japanese Yen after statements by Japan's Finance Minister Hirohisa Fujii that he opposes intervening in the currency markets to curb the rise in the Yen.
Orders of durable goods unexpectedly fell 2.4% in August. Sales of new homes rose 0.7% to a 429,000 pace in August, much slower than the expected 442,000. On the other hand, the Reuters-University of Michigan consumer sentiment index was revised to 73.5 in September, compared to a previous estimate of 70.2 and 65.7 in August, beating analysts expectations.
No news events are expected today form the U.S; therefore, it is likely that Dollar sentiment will be determined by investors' reactions to the G20 concluding statements.
EUR - Sterling Trades at a 3 Month Low vs. USD
The Sterling dropped to a 3 month low below $1.60 last week after Bank of England (BOE) Governor Mervyn King was quoted stating the Pound's weakness is aiding in the recovery of the U.K economy. The EUR traded at $1.4665, up 0.2% from Thursday.
The Sterling slid 2.1% versus the Dollar last week following very dovish announcements by BOE Governor Mervyn King, calling the Pound's recent drop “very helpful.” The Pound fell Friday to $1.5918, the lowest level since June 8, and depreciated to 91.19 per ERU, the weakest level since April 1.
While a rather slow news day is expected today, ECB president Trichet's speech at 2:30 GMT is likely to provide volatility to the EUR as interest rate targets and exit strategies are likely to be discussed.
JPY - Yen at a 7 Month high versus the Dollar
The Yen registered sharp gains Friday, breaching the significant Y90.00 barrier against the Dollar and reaching the highest levels versus the greenback in over 7 months. Japan's currency benefited from supportive comments from Japan's finance minister Hirohisa Fujii who said that he opposes intentional devaluation of the Yen.
The JPY advanced 1.8% this week to 89.64 per Dollar from 91.29 on Sept. 18, briefly touching 89.51 Friday, the strongest level since Feb. 5. The currency also gained 2% to 131.70 per ERU, from 134.33.
Crude Oil - Crude Prices up Slightly on Mixed Data
At the end of a very volatile trading day Friday, Crude Oil futures rose slightly, for the first session in 3, following the release of mixed economic data from the U.S as well as on increased odds of broad based sanctions against Iran, the world's 4th largest Oil producer. Crude for November delivery rose 13 cents, or 0.2%, to end at $66.20 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange, after dropping as low as $65.05, the lowest level since July 30. Overall futures tumbled more than 8% this week, the biggest weekly loss in more than two months.
The unexpected jump in the Reuters/UoM Consumer Sentiment Index to 73.5 in September helped push up Oil prices; however, concerns over weak demand dampened Friday's gains. Furthermore, several worse than expected economic data from the U.S stemmed further Oil's Gains.
With last Wednesday's report by the Energy Information Administration (EIA) stating that inventories of Crude Oil, gasoline and other petroleum products all rose last week and a lack of any significant economic news today, Oil prices will likely continue to stay subdued throughout today's trading day.
Article Source - Japan's Currency Hits a 7 Month High
Pound Tumbles, Dollar Surges as Risk Aversion Hits Currency Markets (Euro Open)
The US Dollar surged higher to start the trading week as stocks sold off across Asian exchanges, boosting demand for the safety-linked currency. The British Pound bore the brunt of the greenback’s assault as risk aversion compounded last week’s dovish rhetoric from the Bank of England.
Key Overnight Developments
• Pound Tumbles Despite BOE Backtracking on King’s Comments
• Japanese Yen Surges on Safety Demand as Stocks Plunge in Asia
Critical Levels

The British Pound and the Euro both suffered sharp losses in overnight trading as stocks tumbled in Asia, driven lower by Friday’s disappointing US economic data, sending the MSCI Asia Pacific regional benchmark index down 1.2% and boosting demand for the safety-linked US Dollar.
Asia Session Highlights

The British Pound raced sharply lower in early trading as currency markets seemingly concluded that the Bank of England suspiciously “protests too much” after the UK Times Online cited unnamed sources at the central bank as saying King was trying to talk down sterling last week. The Pound began to accelerate lower last Monday after the BOE released an article titled “Interpreting Recent Movements in Sterling” as part of its quarterly bulletin which argued that the inability of drying up capital inflows to finance the current account deficit could mean a fall in the “the long-run sustainable real exchange rate”. Sterling bears were given extra fuel last Thursday when Governor Mervyn King said rebalancing the UK economy was “very necessary [and] the fall in the exchange rate that we have seen will be helpful to that process” in an interview with The Journal.
Reserve Bank of Australia Governor Glenn Stevens struck a hawkish tone at a testimony to the Senate Committee in Sydney. Stevens said that Australia’s recession has been mild and the economy has done “quite well” as government stimulus “materially” supported growth, adding 2-3% to local demand. On interest rates, Stevens said that benchmark borrowing costs are “unusually low” and will need to go back to normal levels, adding that inflation targeting will guide the timing of adjustment to “more normal levels”.
Euro Session: What to Expect

A preliminary estimate of Germany’s Consumer Price Index is set to show that prices fell -0.2% in the year to September, marking the third consecutive month that the EU-harmonized metric has printed in negative territory. A reading in line with expectations is unlikely to prove market-moving: economists have called for year-on-year CPI to shrink -0.3% through the third quarter, and averaging September’s would-be reading with those recorded in the previous two months yields just about that outcome. The coming months present an opportunity for volatility, however: consensus forecasts have inflation coming back into positive territory in the fourth quarter and averaging around 1.2% through 2010; if this proves too rosy as the economy falters anew after the boost from fiscal stimulus (both at home and abroad) and the inventory cycle fizzles out, a drop in inflation expectations stands to prolong the slump in the Euro Zone’s largest economy. Indeed, consumers and businesses have little incentive to spend and invest in the present if they reckon prices will be lower in the future, bringing economic activity to a standstill. This will mean the ECB will keep interest rates at current lows longer than nearly all of its major counterparts (with the exception of Japan and Switzerland), weighing down the Euro.
Written by Ilya Spivak, Currency Analyst
Article Source - Pound Tumbles, Dollar Surges as Risk Aversion Hits Currency Markets (Euro Open)
Key Overnight Developments
• Pound Tumbles Despite BOE Backtracking on King’s Comments
• Japanese Yen Surges on Safety Demand as Stocks Plunge in Asia
Critical Levels

The British Pound and the Euro both suffered sharp losses in overnight trading as stocks tumbled in Asia, driven lower by Friday’s disappointing US economic data, sending the MSCI Asia Pacific regional benchmark index down 1.2% and boosting demand for the safety-linked US Dollar.
Asia Session Highlights

The British Pound raced sharply lower in early trading as currency markets seemingly concluded that the Bank of England suspiciously “protests too much” after the UK Times Online cited unnamed sources at the central bank as saying King was trying to talk down sterling last week. The Pound began to accelerate lower last Monday after the BOE released an article titled “Interpreting Recent Movements in Sterling” as part of its quarterly bulletin which argued that the inability of drying up capital inflows to finance the current account deficit could mean a fall in the “the long-run sustainable real exchange rate”. Sterling bears were given extra fuel last Thursday when Governor Mervyn King said rebalancing the UK economy was “very necessary [and] the fall in the exchange rate that we have seen will be helpful to that process” in an interview with The Journal.
Reserve Bank of Australia Governor Glenn Stevens struck a hawkish tone at a testimony to the Senate Committee in Sydney. Stevens said that Australia’s recession has been mild and the economy has done “quite well” as government stimulus “materially” supported growth, adding 2-3% to local demand. On interest rates, Stevens said that benchmark borrowing costs are “unusually low” and will need to go back to normal levels, adding that inflation targeting will guide the timing of adjustment to “more normal levels”.
Euro Session: What to Expect

A preliminary estimate of Germany’s Consumer Price Index is set to show that prices fell -0.2% in the year to September, marking the third consecutive month that the EU-harmonized metric has printed in negative territory. A reading in line with expectations is unlikely to prove market-moving: economists have called for year-on-year CPI to shrink -0.3% through the third quarter, and averaging September’s would-be reading with those recorded in the previous two months yields just about that outcome. The coming months present an opportunity for volatility, however: consensus forecasts have inflation coming back into positive territory in the fourth quarter and averaging around 1.2% through 2010; if this proves too rosy as the economy falters anew after the boost from fiscal stimulus (both at home and abroad) and the inventory cycle fizzles out, a drop in inflation expectations stands to prolong the slump in the Euro Zone’s largest economy. Indeed, consumers and businesses have little incentive to spend and invest in the present if they reckon prices will be lower in the future, bringing economic activity to a standstill. This will mean the ECB will keep interest rates at current lows longer than nearly all of its major counterparts (with the exception of Japan and Switzerland), weighing down the Euro.
Written by Ilya Spivak, Currency Analyst
Article Source - Pound Tumbles, Dollar Surges as Risk Aversion Hits Currency Markets (Euro Open)
Forex Weekly Trading Forecast - 09.28.09
US Dollar: Optimistic Economic Outlooks to Meet Hard Facts This Week
Fundamental Outlook for US Dollar: Bullish
- The Federal Reserve left rates unchanged, but signaled a more optimistic outlook
- University of Michigan consumer confidence jumped to a 21-month high in September
- US durable goods orders tumbled 2.4% in August, marking the steepest drop since January
The US dollar ended the past week marginally higher after the Federal Reserve issued a more optimistic outlook on the economy. In the coming week, though, there will be a variety of growth indicators on hand that may help to signal whether the US recession really ended in Q2. That said, the US dollar index will have to contend with resistance just above 77.00 at the start of the week, but a break above there will likely coincide with a EURUSD drop below 1.4615.
Looking to the upcoming event risk, on Tuesday, the September reading of the Conference Board’s measure of US consumer confidence is expected to rise up to a one-year high of 57 from 54.1 in August, but overall, there are some upside risks for this report. Indeed, the final reading of the University of Michigan’s consumer confidence index show that sentiment improved greatly in September, with the index hitting a 21-month high of 73.5 from 65.7.
On Wednesday, the third round of US Q2 GDP estimates is due to hit the wires, but the results will only be market-moving if we see surprising revisions. The final reading is forecasted to be revised down to -1.2 percent from -1.0 percent, though this would still represent a sharp improvement from Q1, when GDP plunged 6.4 percent. Readings in line with expectations may not have a very big impact on price action, but better-than-anticipated results could lead carry trades higher, especially in light of speculation that the recession may have ended in Q2.
On Thursday, the ISM manufacturing index is projected to rise for the ninth straight month in September to 54 from 52.9, which would be the highest reading since April 2006. With 50 being the point of neutrality, this would also be the second month that the index signals an expansion in activity, adding to evidence that the sector is experiencing a recovery in business activity. The last release didn’t have much of an impact on the US dollar, as risk aversion dominated the day, leading the currency higher. However, the report will still be useful because of its employment component as a leading indicator for the big news on Friday: US non-farm payrolls.
The US non-farm payrolls (NFPs) index is forecasted to show job losses for the 21st straight month in September, though the rate of decline is anticipated to slow further. At the time of writing, Bloomberg News was calling for NFPs to decline by 187,000, which would be the smallest drop since August 2008. Meanwhile, the unemployment rate is projected to edge up to 9.8 percent from 9.7 percent, but ultimately, the NFP result will be the event to watch as it is extremely volatile and is one of the sole reports that impacts the US dollar from a pure fundamental point of view. A better-than-anticipated result is likely to provide a boost to the US dollar, but it will be interesting to see the impact of disappointing results as weak US data tends to weigh on risky assets and push the greenback higher amidst flight-to-quality.
Euro Shows Early Signs of Reversal – Week Ahead Critical to Trends
Fundamental Forecast for Euro: Neutral
- Euro breaks key technical short-term trendline
- Candlesticks likewise point to a potential Euro reversal
- German IFO improves for sixth month
- Risk trends remain most important EURUSD driver
The Euro showed early signs of technical reversal through an eventful week of trading, setting fresh yearly peaks versus the US Dollar yet finishing lower through Friday’s close. Strong rallies in the US S&P 500 and other key risk barometers led the single currency to impressive highs against most major counterparts. Yet a late-week breakdown in risk sentiment sparked a flight to safety across forex markets—much to the Euro’s detriment. Near-term Euro forecasts will very much depend on the trajectory of said asset classes, and a busy global economic calendar promises no shortage of volatility through the week ahead.
The Euro remains in fairly well-defined 6-month uptrend, and we would hardly argue that several days of declines signal that it has set a major top. Yet it is undeniable that the EUR/USD lost much of its short-term momentum—having broken below short-term technical support and threatening further declines. Fundamentals will likely play a fairly significant role in the days ahead as the combination of German and US Employment figures will shed a great deal of light on economic conditions in both key countries. The reports may confirm recent waves of economic optimism or cut celebrations short. Reasonably steady improvements in fundamental data have made for lofty market forecasts across most economic releases, and a string of disappointments could easily force noteworthy corrections across major financial markets.
Early-week German Consumer Price Index numbers and Euro Zone Consumer Confidence figures could produce surprises, but most traders look forward to market-moving German Unemployment Change figures due Wednesday. Previous results showed unemployment actually fell for the second consecutive month through August, but the numbers were clouded by government stimulus payments inducing firms to keep workers on their payrolls. Forecasts for September results call for a far less sanguine 20k jump in unemployment. Given that Germany is largely considered the bellwether for the broader Euro Zone economy, any disappointments could led to a noteworthy correction in the Euro exchange rate.
Friday’s US Nonfarm payrolls result could likewise have a pronounced effect on Euro pairs. US and European markets have proven especially sensitive to major surprises in the monthly payrolls number. Consensus forecasts call for the eighth-consecutive improvement in the jobs release, and any disappointments could clearly make a dent in broader forecasts for growth out of the world’s largest economy.
The critical question remains whether we can expect further equity market gains. Much like the Euro, the S&P 500 showed early signs of reversal through late-week trade. A continuation of said tumbles could easily force the Euro to move in kind.
Japanese Yen Momentum a Combination of Risk, Intervention and Data
Fundamental Forecast for Japanese Yen: Bullish
- Finance Minister Fujji reiterates his opposition to FX intervention
- Policy officials start reining in the stimulus that has supported the most aggressive rally in decades
- Exports shrink 36 percent in the year through August, exacerbated by sharp appreciation of the yen
The Japanese yen was the biggest mover and gainer amongst the majors this past week – by a long shot. However, we can’t idly attribute this appreciation to risk appetite alone. Indeed, we can see while other risk sensitive assets (equities, bonds funds, commodities, high-yield currencies) have pulled back over the same period; they certainly didn’t do so with the same gusto as the yen. Underlying sentiment no doubt prompted the trend; but early signs of policy withdrawal and confirmation from the new Japanese Finance Minister suggesting the days of FX intervention has passed provided the fuel for momentum. Will the market maintain its bearing and pace? That will depend on three dominant factors: interpretation of the G-20 commitments; weighing the fair value of the yen; and the outlook for the domestic recovery.
While the first concern is related to the G-20 meeting and commitments that were announced this past week, the fundamental relation to the yen is risk appetite. In the six-month rally from anything and everything that can bear a yield above the risk-free assets that traders took shelter in during the worst of the crisis, we have seen an early upsurge in demand for return and an elemental redistribution of capital. There have certainly been earlier adopters to the market reversal and those lured in by the steady capital gains; but most of the inflow of wealth is simply coming from the market sidelines and is seeking an investment with stability and steady returns. It wouldn’t take much to spark fear of a reversal and catalyze a wave of profit taking; but it is the money that is flowing back in for the long haul that will decide the larger trend. Both these short-term and long-term dynamics can be impacted by the G-20’s joint statement and individual government’s efforts going forward. The impressive recovery in market levels this past year is in large part due to the guarantees, liquidity injections and bailouts by the world’s policy makers. It is unclear whether speculator confidence in the balance of risk and reward will be anywhere as strong as it has been without the government safety net. However, with German and the US cutting down its programs last week while the global call for ‘exit strategies’ grows to a roar; we may well be testing those waters soon.
It is generally true that the majors are free-floating currencies and economics indeed sets exchange rates; but perfection only exists in academic theory. In reality, the Japanese yen has carried the burden for potential intervention from the Bank of Japan for years. As a major export nation, the former DPJ administration considered a ‘weak yen’ policy essential to economic stability. However, regimes have changed and new LDP Finance Minister Fujii has explicitly said that the currency should reflect economics. The first time, the policy makers made this statement the week before last, the yen responded with a sharp appreciation. With a reiteration of the same this past week (despite the yen being at relative highs), the currency moved on to another leg of its rally. How much pressure has been priced in due to intervention fears? Only time will tell. What’s more, how will the economy handle this steady appreciation? Domestic demand has long been lacking for Japan.
And, so we round out the story with more domestic considerations. As the currency appreciations, a critical artery of growth is slowly pinched off. In line with the G-20’s commitment to balance savings, domestic demand and trade; Japan will have to compensate for the potential loss in exports with domestic demand at a critical time for the economy. In the midst of a fragile recovery, we will now low to key economic data due over the coming week to see if Japan can lift itself out of its worst recession on record. The 3Q Tankan surveys, industrial production, employment, household spending, housing activity and inflation will offer a thorough assessment.
British Pound Losing its Risk Appeal as Conditions Deteriorate
Fundamental Forecast for British Pound: Bearish
- BoE Mervyn King says the weak pound “will be helpful” in supporting a feeble recovery
- Upcoming spending cuts and speculation of a cut in the deposit rate means the BoE is running out of options
- The Bank of England minutes show a unanimous vote to keep the bond purchasing program at 175 billion pounds
Some of the major currencies are showing strength against some pairs and weakness against others – a sign of underlying currents like risk appetite. However, the British pound was down across the board this past week, and in dramatic fashion. Prominent breakouts are starting to look the establishment of new trends as the struggling fundamental health of the United Kingdom begins to override the appeal the currency once held as a source for high yields. The next few weeks will be critical in establishing where the pound will head, and more importantly, where it fits in the market.
There is no doubt that risk trends will have an impact on what kind of direction and pace the British currency takes. However, it will likely start to be more of a one sided influence. Should risk tumble in the wake of the G-20 meeting as investors worry the capital markets can’t support their own weight without a government safety net, the pound will likely tumble. There is still a latent build up of risk appetite behind this currency that was fed by the belief that the recovery in the global economy and markets would be exceptionally beneficial for the United Kingdom which is generally considered to be the industrialized nation in the worst shape. As the outlook for a speedy recovery and fades, so too does the picture of London retaking its title of financial center of the world. Yet, what happens should sentiment actually improve? Even then, the pound will likely lag or even fade despite the positive turn.
Over the past weeks and months, it has become blatantly clear that Europe’s second largest economy is struggling to pull itself out of its deep recession; and the time frame for a return to growth is being continuously pushed back. Not only did the 2Q GDP numbers tell us that the slump was more intense than initially though; but we have also seen that policy officials are running out of options to support an orderly recovery. This past week, the minutes seemed to have a positive tilt in that there was a unanimous vote to keep the bond purchasing program at 175 billion pounds (whereas in the previous vote, the was minority dissention headed by Governor Mervyn King for a greater amount). Nonetheless, the central bank kept open the possibility of further expansion of this unorthodox policy. Another step that was speculated to under consideration was a cut to the deposit rate paid to banks that hold their capital with the BoE. This too was written off; but commentary by King and other MPC members continues to stoke speculation that either or both is still a considerable possibility. Without doubt, the central bank is running out of options to jump start the economy. The further the policy authority extends itself without a commensurate response from financial health or economic activity, the more dire the nation’s condition. Considering the government will have to follow through on a serious round of spending cuts in the near future (expected to be the biggest reduction in over three decades), time is certainly working against policy officials.
In the grand scheme of things, economic data is vital at this point; but a meaningful improvement in the outlook will come with time and a wide array of indicators. Nonetheless, there are a slew of indicators to account for next week – and perhaps even a few of them could help jump start optimism. Most prominent, but least likely to surprise, is the final reading of the 2Q GDP numbers. There is rarely a meaningful adjustment in this last recalculation of the data; but the new current account numbers, some spending adjustments or capital investment alterations would be notable. Among the other notable figures, mortgage approvals, net consumer credit and the money supply are important gauges for financial health. The BoE home equity withdrawal figure and PMI factory and construction data is growth focused.

Written by Terri Belkas, David Rodriguez, John Kicklighter, Ilya Spivak, John Rivera and David Song, Currency Analysts
Article Source - Forex Weekly Trading Forecast - 09.28.09
Fundamental Outlook for US Dollar: Bullish
- The Federal Reserve left rates unchanged, but signaled a more optimistic outlook
- University of Michigan consumer confidence jumped to a 21-month high in September
- US durable goods orders tumbled 2.4% in August, marking the steepest drop since January
The US dollar ended the past week marginally higher after the Federal Reserve issued a more optimistic outlook on the economy. In the coming week, though, there will be a variety of growth indicators on hand that may help to signal whether the US recession really ended in Q2. That said, the US dollar index will have to contend with resistance just above 77.00 at the start of the week, but a break above there will likely coincide with a EURUSD drop below 1.4615.
Looking to the upcoming event risk, on Tuesday, the September reading of the Conference Board’s measure of US consumer confidence is expected to rise up to a one-year high of 57 from 54.1 in August, but overall, there are some upside risks for this report. Indeed, the final reading of the University of Michigan’s consumer confidence index show that sentiment improved greatly in September, with the index hitting a 21-month high of 73.5 from 65.7.
On Wednesday, the third round of US Q2 GDP estimates is due to hit the wires, but the results will only be market-moving if we see surprising revisions. The final reading is forecasted to be revised down to -1.2 percent from -1.0 percent, though this would still represent a sharp improvement from Q1, when GDP plunged 6.4 percent. Readings in line with expectations may not have a very big impact on price action, but better-than-anticipated results could lead carry trades higher, especially in light of speculation that the recession may have ended in Q2.
On Thursday, the ISM manufacturing index is projected to rise for the ninth straight month in September to 54 from 52.9, which would be the highest reading since April 2006. With 50 being the point of neutrality, this would also be the second month that the index signals an expansion in activity, adding to evidence that the sector is experiencing a recovery in business activity. The last release didn’t have much of an impact on the US dollar, as risk aversion dominated the day, leading the currency higher. However, the report will still be useful because of its employment component as a leading indicator for the big news on Friday: US non-farm payrolls.
The US non-farm payrolls (NFPs) index is forecasted to show job losses for the 21st straight month in September, though the rate of decline is anticipated to slow further. At the time of writing, Bloomberg News was calling for NFPs to decline by 187,000, which would be the smallest drop since August 2008. Meanwhile, the unemployment rate is projected to edge up to 9.8 percent from 9.7 percent, but ultimately, the NFP result will be the event to watch as it is extremely volatile and is one of the sole reports that impacts the US dollar from a pure fundamental point of view. A better-than-anticipated result is likely to provide a boost to the US dollar, but it will be interesting to see the impact of disappointing results as weak US data tends to weigh on risky assets and push the greenback higher amidst flight-to-quality.
Euro Shows Early Signs of Reversal – Week Ahead Critical to Trends
Fundamental Forecast for Euro: Neutral
- Euro breaks key technical short-term trendline
- Candlesticks likewise point to a potential Euro reversal
- German IFO improves for sixth month
- Risk trends remain most important EURUSD driver
The Euro showed early signs of technical reversal through an eventful week of trading, setting fresh yearly peaks versus the US Dollar yet finishing lower through Friday’s close. Strong rallies in the US S&P 500 and other key risk barometers led the single currency to impressive highs against most major counterparts. Yet a late-week breakdown in risk sentiment sparked a flight to safety across forex markets—much to the Euro’s detriment. Near-term Euro forecasts will very much depend on the trajectory of said asset classes, and a busy global economic calendar promises no shortage of volatility through the week ahead.
The Euro remains in fairly well-defined 6-month uptrend, and we would hardly argue that several days of declines signal that it has set a major top. Yet it is undeniable that the EUR/USD lost much of its short-term momentum—having broken below short-term technical support and threatening further declines. Fundamentals will likely play a fairly significant role in the days ahead as the combination of German and US Employment figures will shed a great deal of light on economic conditions in both key countries. The reports may confirm recent waves of economic optimism or cut celebrations short. Reasonably steady improvements in fundamental data have made for lofty market forecasts across most economic releases, and a string of disappointments could easily force noteworthy corrections across major financial markets.
Early-week German Consumer Price Index numbers and Euro Zone Consumer Confidence figures could produce surprises, but most traders look forward to market-moving German Unemployment Change figures due Wednesday. Previous results showed unemployment actually fell for the second consecutive month through August, but the numbers were clouded by government stimulus payments inducing firms to keep workers on their payrolls. Forecasts for September results call for a far less sanguine 20k jump in unemployment. Given that Germany is largely considered the bellwether for the broader Euro Zone economy, any disappointments could led to a noteworthy correction in the Euro exchange rate.
Friday’s US Nonfarm payrolls result could likewise have a pronounced effect on Euro pairs. US and European markets have proven especially sensitive to major surprises in the monthly payrolls number. Consensus forecasts call for the eighth-consecutive improvement in the jobs release, and any disappointments could clearly make a dent in broader forecasts for growth out of the world’s largest economy.
The critical question remains whether we can expect further equity market gains. Much like the Euro, the S&P 500 showed early signs of reversal through late-week trade. A continuation of said tumbles could easily force the Euro to move in kind.
Japanese Yen Momentum a Combination of Risk, Intervention and Data
Fundamental Forecast for Japanese Yen: Bullish
- Finance Minister Fujji reiterates his opposition to FX intervention
- Policy officials start reining in the stimulus that has supported the most aggressive rally in decades
- Exports shrink 36 percent in the year through August, exacerbated by sharp appreciation of the yen
The Japanese yen was the biggest mover and gainer amongst the majors this past week – by a long shot. However, we can’t idly attribute this appreciation to risk appetite alone. Indeed, we can see while other risk sensitive assets (equities, bonds funds, commodities, high-yield currencies) have pulled back over the same period; they certainly didn’t do so with the same gusto as the yen. Underlying sentiment no doubt prompted the trend; but early signs of policy withdrawal and confirmation from the new Japanese Finance Minister suggesting the days of FX intervention has passed provided the fuel for momentum. Will the market maintain its bearing and pace? That will depend on three dominant factors: interpretation of the G-20 commitments; weighing the fair value of the yen; and the outlook for the domestic recovery.
While the first concern is related to the G-20 meeting and commitments that were announced this past week, the fundamental relation to the yen is risk appetite. In the six-month rally from anything and everything that can bear a yield above the risk-free assets that traders took shelter in during the worst of the crisis, we have seen an early upsurge in demand for return and an elemental redistribution of capital. There have certainly been earlier adopters to the market reversal and those lured in by the steady capital gains; but most of the inflow of wealth is simply coming from the market sidelines and is seeking an investment with stability and steady returns. It wouldn’t take much to spark fear of a reversal and catalyze a wave of profit taking; but it is the money that is flowing back in for the long haul that will decide the larger trend. Both these short-term and long-term dynamics can be impacted by the G-20’s joint statement and individual government’s efforts going forward. The impressive recovery in market levels this past year is in large part due to the guarantees, liquidity injections and bailouts by the world’s policy makers. It is unclear whether speculator confidence in the balance of risk and reward will be anywhere as strong as it has been without the government safety net. However, with German and the US cutting down its programs last week while the global call for ‘exit strategies’ grows to a roar; we may well be testing those waters soon.
It is generally true that the majors are free-floating currencies and economics indeed sets exchange rates; but perfection only exists in academic theory. In reality, the Japanese yen has carried the burden for potential intervention from the Bank of Japan for years. As a major export nation, the former DPJ administration considered a ‘weak yen’ policy essential to economic stability. However, regimes have changed and new LDP Finance Minister Fujii has explicitly said that the currency should reflect economics. The first time, the policy makers made this statement the week before last, the yen responded with a sharp appreciation. With a reiteration of the same this past week (despite the yen being at relative highs), the currency moved on to another leg of its rally. How much pressure has been priced in due to intervention fears? Only time will tell. What’s more, how will the economy handle this steady appreciation? Domestic demand has long been lacking for Japan.
And, so we round out the story with more domestic considerations. As the currency appreciations, a critical artery of growth is slowly pinched off. In line with the G-20’s commitment to balance savings, domestic demand and trade; Japan will have to compensate for the potential loss in exports with domestic demand at a critical time for the economy. In the midst of a fragile recovery, we will now low to key economic data due over the coming week to see if Japan can lift itself out of its worst recession on record. The 3Q Tankan surveys, industrial production, employment, household spending, housing activity and inflation will offer a thorough assessment.
British Pound Losing its Risk Appeal as Conditions Deteriorate
Fundamental Forecast for British Pound: Bearish
- BoE Mervyn King says the weak pound “will be helpful” in supporting a feeble recovery
- Upcoming spending cuts and speculation of a cut in the deposit rate means the BoE is running out of options
- The Bank of England minutes show a unanimous vote to keep the bond purchasing program at 175 billion pounds
Some of the major currencies are showing strength against some pairs and weakness against others – a sign of underlying currents like risk appetite. However, the British pound was down across the board this past week, and in dramatic fashion. Prominent breakouts are starting to look the establishment of new trends as the struggling fundamental health of the United Kingdom begins to override the appeal the currency once held as a source for high yields. The next few weeks will be critical in establishing where the pound will head, and more importantly, where it fits in the market.
There is no doubt that risk trends will have an impact on what kind of direction and pace the British currency takes. However, it will likely start to be more of a one sided influence. Should risk tumble in the wake of the G-20 meeting as investors worry the capital markets can’t support their own weight without a government safety net, the pound will likely tumble. There is still a latent build up of risk appetite behind this currency that was fed by the belief that the recovery in the global economy and markets would be exceptionally beneficial for the United Kingdom which is generally considered to be the industrialized nation in the worst shape. As the outlook for a speedy recovery and fades, so too does the picture of London retaking its title of financial center of the world. Yet, what happens should sentiment actually improve? Even then, the pound will likely lag or even fade despite the positive turn.
Over the past weeks and months, it has become blatantly clear that Europe’s second largest economy is struggling to pull itself out of its deep recession; and the time frame for a return to growth is being continuously pushed back. Not only did the 2Q GDP numbers tell us that the slump was more intense than initially though; but we have also seen that policy officials are running out of options to support an orderly recovery. This past week, the minutes seemed to have a positive tilt in that there was a unanimous vote to keep the bond purchasing program at 175 billion pounds (whereas in the previous vote, the was minority dissention headed by Governor Mervyn King for a greater amount). Nonetheless, the central bank kept open the possibility of further expansion of this unorthodox policy. Another step that was speculated to under consideration was a cut to the deposit rate paid to banks that hold their capital with the BoE. This too was written off; but commentary by King and other MPC members continues to stoke speculation that either or both is still a considerable possibility. Without doubt, the central bank is running out of options to jump start the economy. The further the policy authority extends itself without a commensurate response from financial health or economic activity, the more dire the nation’s condition. Considering the government will have to follow through on a serious round of spending cuts in the near future (expected to be the biggest reduction in over three decades), time is certainly working against policy officials.
In the grand scheme of things, economic data is vital at this point; but a meaningful improvement in the outlook will come with time and a wide array of indicators. Nonetheless, there are a slew of indicators to account for next week – and perhaps even a few of them could help jump start optimism. Most prominent, but least likely to surprise, is the final reading of the 2Q GDP numbers. There is rarely a meaningful adjustment in this last recalculation of the data; but the new current account numbers, some spending adjustments or capital investment alterations would be notable. Among the other notable figures, mortgage approvals, net consumer credit and the money supply are important gauges for financial health. The BoE home equity withdrawal figure and PMI factory and construction data is growth focused.

Written by Terri Belkas, David Rodriguez, John Kicklighter, Ilya Spivak, John Rivera and David Song, Currency Analysts
Article Source - Forex Weekly Trading Forecast - 09.28.09
samedi 26 septembre 2009
Forex Robot Mania
As suggested in my last post...As a side note, I'm planning to make opposing robots this weekend. They will trade long and short positions in different sub-accounts.I've put together yet another robot. It will trade the same currency both long and short in separate sub-accounts. I'll have to wait until Monday or Tuesday to activate it.A few points I feel are worth mentioning:I've been developing
vendredi 25 septembre 2009
Friday Market Analysis
I am following CNBC regularly (via their web site) these days. I see many of the pundits advocating panic and doom. I suspect they all want to be able to claim they were right when we finally do experience some type of pullback.However, these braying naysayers of doom really don't have much of import to say. All they really do is act as large forces on the emotions of market players. Everyone
Point-and-Figure Charting Explained
Point-and-figure charts (P&F) is another way to represent the price charts that can be used in Forex trading. Conventional charts display the price as the linear function of time, which results in a demonstrative picture of how the market behaved during certain periods of time. But the problem is that the trader often doesnt need to know how price depended on time, all he needs is to know what the prevailing force on the market is at the moment — bulls or bears, demand or supply. Thats where P&F charts come handy. They show the price changes graphically, independently on the time during which the changes have occurred.
For example, the simple point-and-figure chart could look like this:

The green Xs are the price increases (by some certain value) and the red Os are the price decreases. A column of Xs represent an uptrend, while the column of Os represents a downtrend. In each given column there can be only Xs or Os. When one trend ends a new column starts. As you see, there is no time scale in this chart. Each column can last an indefinite period of time.
So, how are these point-and-figure charts drawn? To start drawing a point-and-figure chart you should first set two important parameter values of the chart — the box size and the reversal distance.
The box size is the height of each of the Os and Xs in pips. For example, if you set a box size to 10 pips, each X will mean an upward movement by 10 pips, so a column of 6 Xs is an upward movement by 60 pips. The same would be correct for the Os.
The reversal distance is the amount of boxes that should be passed by a price in a reverse direction for a trend to reverse (to start a new column). The most common reversal distance is 3. That means that on a rising trend (a column of Xs) a price has to go down by the amount of pips in three boxes for a new column (this time — of Os) to start. For example, if you use a box size of 10 and a reversal distance of 3: the price goes up by 60 pips, you draw 6 Xs, then the prices goes down by 30 pips (thats more than 3 × 10), you draw 3 Os down starting a new column from the level below the last X. If the price would go down by less than 30 pips you wouldnt have to draw anything new. Basically, after drawing an X or O you just wait for the price to continue going in the direction for a box size of pips or in a reverse direction for a reversal distance * box size of pips.
If we consider 10 pips box size and reversal distance of 3 for the image above then we can say that first the price goes up by 50 pips during the first uptrend, then it goes down by about 50 pips, then goes an uptrend for 70 pips, then go two equal bearish and bullish trends for 30 pips (exactly the reversal distance). Then a price declines by 50 pips, then goes up by 30 pips and finally falls by 40 pips. It ends at +10 pips (if you sum up all the values) and, as you see on the picture, the ceiling of the final O is 10 pips above the bottom of the first X. Thats exactly +10 pips. The «effective price» is located at the bottoms of the Xs and at the tops of the Os.
Using the point-and-figure charts is simple. Almost all chart patterns and analysis techniques that work with the classic time-based charts work with the point-and-figure charts too. The trends are very easy to visualize in the P&F charts because the square dimensions of the boxes (Xs and Os) form nice 45-degree angle trendlines. Look at the example:

Apart from the chart pattern analysis, P&F charts offer a sort of trading signals. When the trend direction changes, a new position can be opened in this new direction with a stop-loss equal to the reversal distance. But such trading technique requires some thorough optimization of the box size and the reversal distance for the given currency pair and the market conditions.
If you have any questions or comments regarding point-and-figure charting, feel free to reply in the commentaries to this post.
For example, the simple point-and-figure chart could look like this:
The green Xs are the price increases (by some certain value) and the red Os are the price decreases. A column of Xs represent an uptrend, while the column of Os represents a downtrend. In each given column there can be only Xs or Os. When one trend ends a new column starts. As you see, there is no time scale in this chart. Each column can last an indefinite period of time.
So, how are these point-and-figure charts drawn? To start drawing a point-and-figure chart you should first set two important parameter values of the chart — the box size and the reversal distance.
The box size is the height of each of the Os and Xs in pips. For example, if you set a box size to 10 pips, each X will mean an upward movement by 10 pips, so a column of 6 Xs is an upward movement by 60 pips. The same would be correct for the Os.
The reversal distance is the amount of boxes that should be passed by a price in a reverse direction for a trend to reverse (to start a new column). The most common reversal distance is 3. That means that on a rising trend (a column of Xs) a price has to go down by the amount of pips in three boxes for a new column (this time — of Os) to start. For example, if you use a box size of 10 and a reversal distance of 3: the price goes up by 60 pips, you draw 6 Xs, then the prices goes down by 30 pips (thats more than 3 × 10), you draw 3 Os down starting a new column from the level below the last X. If the price would go down by less than 30 pips you wouldnt have to draw anything new. Basically, after drawing an X or O you just wait for the price to continue going in the direction for a box size of pips or in a reverse direction for a reversal distance * box size of pips.
If we consider 10 pips box size and reversal distance of 3 for the image above then we can say that first the price goes up by 50 pips during the first uptrend, then it goes down by about 50 pips, then goes an uptrend for 70 pips, then go two equal bearish and bullish trends for 30 pips (exactly the reversal distance). Then a price declines by 50 pips, then goes up by 30 pips and finally falls by 40 pips. It ends at +10 pips (if you sum up all the values) and, as you see on the picture, the ceiling of the final O is 10 pips above the bottom of the first X. Thats exactly +10 pips. The «effective price» is located at the bottoms of the Xs and at the tops of the Os.
Using the point-and-figure charts is simple. Almost all chart patterns and analysis techniques that work with the classic time-based charts work with the point-and-figure charts too. The trends are very easy to visualize in the P&F charts because the square dimensions of the boxes (Xs and Os) form nice 45-degree angle trendlines. Look at the example:
Apart from the chart pattern analysis, P&F charts offer a sort of trading signals. When the trend direction changes, a new position can be opened in this new direction with a stop-loss equal to the reversal distance. But such trading technique requires some thorough optimization of the box size and the reversal distance for the given currency pair and the market conditions.
If you have any questions or comments regarding point-and-figure charting, feel free to reply in the commentaries to this post.
Dollar, Yen up Ahead of the G20 Meeting
The Dollar snaps a two week decline versus the EUR after disappointing U.S Home Sales data and ahead of the G20 meeting. The USD and JPY are benefiting from the recent surge in risk aversion ahead of the G20 meeting and a concern that the group's leaders will pose stricter regulations on financial markets. The drop in Oil prices, which began Wednesday, only exacerbated yesterday as equity markets tumbled and the Dollar strengthened, putting pressure on the commodities market.

USD - Dollar Rebounds on Return to Risk Aversion
The Dollar came roaring back yesterday against its rivals as poor housing data and falling equity markets sapped traders appetite for risk. Existing home sales numbers were released to an unspectacular reception with the numbers failing to reach their expected targets. Only 5.10M existing homes were sold as compared with economists forecasts of 5.36M. This sent traders running from higher-yielding currencies and into long Dollar positions.
Yesterday's trading was notably volatile, with the EUR/USD climbing in early European trading hours to a daily high of 1.4789, only to end the day at 1.4650 from 1.4721. Driving the early appreciation for the EUR was a lower number of U.S. Unemployment Claims. These gains were later eroded after less than spectacular housing data was released. Against the Yen the Dollar was down as traders looked for the less risky currency. The pair closed at 90.82 from 91.30.
Looking ahead to today's trading, we can expect further volatility of the Dollar. The Group of Twenty (G20) meets for a second day today. Comments made by the global heads of finance can move the market fast so traders should be aware of their impact. U.S. New Home Sales data is due at 2:00pm GMT time. If the New Home Sales is anything like the Existing Homes Sales data from yesterday, the EUR/USD could continue its decline for the second day in a row to finish the week near the 1.4550 mark.
EUR - Pound Crumbles on Currency Comments
The Pound took a thrashing during yesterday's trading as comments by the Bank of England sank the British currency. A report surfaced that Bank of England (BOE) Governor Mervyn King stated a weaker Pound could be beneficial to the U.K. economic recovery. It is assumed the BOE prefers a weak Pound. The weaker currency could help boost British exports, making them relatively cheaper than their foreign counterparts.
Traders immediately began bidding the Pound lower, sinking the GBP/USD to 1.5947 from 1.6353, for a single day decline of 2.5%. The EUR also rose 2% on the Pound as the EUR/GBP ended at 0.9816 from 0.9004, and the GBP/AUD fell to 1.8467 from 1.8803.
If the BOE does prefer the Pound to depreciate, this could create an opportunity for those traders who feel the British currency is not properly valued. Perhaps the BOE sees the possibility for further weakening of the Pound. Will the bank take future action to help artificially deflate the nation's currency?
JPY - Yen Rises on Negative U.S. News
As the rally of riskier currencies puts on the breaks, demand for the Yen is increasing. Yesterday's news of lower U.S. housing data helped slow the rally for riskier assets, thereby boosting the Yen. This trend continues to go unabated, with the USD/JPY rising alongside riskier assets, and falling when risk sentiment diminishes. This was the case yesterday as the USD/JPY fell to 90.82 from 91.30
Traders should be watching today's data releases from the U.S. for today's direction of the Yen. If the negative news will continue further into the day, we could have another pullback of some of the higher yielding currencies. If so the USD/JPY could be looking to drop below the 90.00 support line.
Crude Oil - Economic Data Lowers Demand for Crude
The price of Crude Oil was significantly lower yesterday as poor U.S. housing data and a strong Dollar weighed on the commodities market. Traders took the information as a pullback to economic growth and a sustained economic recovery, thereby reducing demand for the commodity. Oil fell below a significant support line of $66 and finished the day down at $65.85 from $68.36.
Yesterday's 3.6% drop in price was the second day in a row for a pullback in Crude prices. The valuation seems to be taking hints from reported economic data. If this is the case, traders will be wise to follow today's U.S. Core Durable Goods Orders and New Home Sales numbers. We could see Crude Oil trading at $65 by the end of today.
Article Source - Dollar, Yen up Ahead of the G20 Meeting

USD - Dollar Rebounds on Return to Risk Aversion
The Dollar came roaring back yesterday against its rivals as poor housing data and falling equity markets sapped traders appetite for risk. Existing home sales numbers were released to an unspectacular reception with the numbers failing to reach their expected targets. Only 5.10M existing homes were sold as compared with economists forecasts of 5.36M. This sent traders running from higher-yielding currencies and into long Dollar positions.
Yesterday's trading was notably volatile, with the EUR/USD climbing in early European trading hours to a daily high of 1.4789, only to end the day at 1.4650 from 1.4721. Driving the early appreciation for the EUR was a lower number of U.S. Unemployment Claims. These gains were later eroded after less than spectacular housing data was released. Against the Yen the Dollar was down as traders looked for the less risky currency. The pair closed at 90.82 from 91.30.
Looking ahead to today's trading, we can expect further volatility of the Dollar. The Group of Twenty (G20) meets for a second day today. Comments made by the global heads of finance can move the market fast so traders should be aware of their impact. U.S. New Home Sales data is due at 2:00pm GMT time. If the New Home Sales is anything like the Existing Homes Sales data from yesterday, the EUR/USD could continue its decline for the second day in a row to finish the week near the 1.4550 mark.
EUR - Pound Crumbles on Currency Comments
The Pound took a thrashing during yesterday's trading as comments by the Bank of England sank the British currency. A report surfaced that Bank of England (BOE) Governor Mervyn King stated a weaker Pound could be beneficial to the U.K. economic recovery. It is assumed the BOE prefers a weak Pound. The weaker currency could help boost British exports, making them relatively cheaper than their foreign counterparts.
Traders immediately began bidding the Pound lower, sinking the GBP/USD to 1.5947 from 1.6353, for a single day decline of 2.5%. The EUR also rose 2% on the Pound as the EUR/GBP ended at 0.9816 from 0.9004, and the GBP/AUD fell to 1.8467 from 1.8803.
If the BOE does prefer the Pound to depreciate, this could create an opportunity for those traders who feel the British currency is not properly valued. Perhaps the BOE sees the possibility for further weakening of the Pound. Will the bank take future action to help artificially deflate the nation's currency?
JPY - Yen Rises on Negative U.S. News
As the rally of riskier currencies puts on the breaks, demand for the Yen is increasing. Yesterday's news of lower U.S. housing data helped slow the rally for riskier assets, thereby boosting the Yen. This trend continues to go unabated, with the USD/JPY rising alongside riskier assets, and falling when risk sentiment diminishes. This was the case yesterday as the USD/JPY fell to 90.82 from 91.30
Traders should be watching today's data releases from the U.S. for today's direction of the Yen. If the negative news will continue further into the day, we could have another pullback of some of the higher yielding currencies. If so the USD/JPY could be looking to drop below the 90.00 support line.
Crude Oil - Economic Data Lowers Demand for Crude
The price of Crude Oil was significantly lower yesterday as poor U.S. housing data and a strong Dollar weighed on the commodities market. Traders took the information as a pullback to economic growth and a sustained economic recovery, thereby reducing demand for the commodity. Oil fell below a significant support line of $66 and finished the day down at $65.85 from $68.36.
Yesterday's 3.6% drop in price was the second day in a row for a pullback in Crude prices. The valuation seems to be taking hints from reported economic data. If this is the case, traders will be wise to follow today's U.S. Core Durable Goods Orders and New Home Sales numbers. We could see Crude Oil trading at $65 by the end of today.
Article Source - Dollar, Yen up Ahead of the G20 Meeting
Currency Markets Look to G20 Summit Outcome to Guide Price Action (Euro Open)
Currency markets will be focused on the outcome of the G20 summit of world leaders in Pittsburg to guide directional momentum. A leaked draft communiqué hinted policymakers were in no rush to withdraw fiscal stimulus, but concerns remain about what measures will be taken against risk-taking in the financial markets.
Key Overnight Developments
• NZ Annual Trade Deficit Shrinks as Imports Fall for Fifth Month
• Bank of Japan Says Recovery After Stimulus, Restocking is “Uncertain”
Critical Levels

The Euro initially sold off but prices recovered late into the overnight session, adding much as 0.2% against the US Dollar. The British Pound continued to be sold, though prices recovered most of the drop in early trading that saw GBPUSD test as low as 1.5918, trading just below 1.60 ahead of the opening bell in Europe.
Asia Session Highlights

New Zealand’s annual Trade Balance deficit contracted to the narrowest in over six years, revealing a shortfall of –NZ$2.37 billion in August following a revised –NZ$2.49 billion result in the previous month as imports fell for the fifth straight month, shrinking -21.6% from a year before. The outcome speaks ill of domestic demand in the smaller antipodean nation, especially considering that the Kiwi Dollar has become considerably stronger over recent months, which should boost New Zealanders’ purchasing power of foreign goods and encourage imports. More of the same is likely going forward as unemployment continues to push higher, trimming incomes and discouraging spending. Indeed, a survey of economists conducted by Bloomberg forecasts the trade gap will shave just -6.6% on average off GDP this and next year, the smallest since 2004. To be fair, however, exchange rate movements take a long time to be reflected in trade figures, so it is possible that the currency’s recent gains may surface to widen the shortfall in the months ahead. The deficit grew –NZ$725 million from July, more than the –NZ$329 million expected, but monthly figures tend to be volatile and looking at annualized readings offers better gauge of trade flows’ direction.
Minutes from the August policy meeting of the Bank of Japan revealed that while policymakers agreed that “overseas economic conditions have stopped worsening,” but expressed concern that the pace and sustainability of recovery after the effects of fiscal stimulus and the inventory restocking cycle run their course “remained highly uncertain.” Members concurred that exports will probably continue to improve for the time being as overseas markets stabilize, but domestic consumption will remain weak as unemployment continues notwithstanding isolated policy-induced spikes in purchases of specific items such as cars and electrical appliances. On inflation, members concluded that year-on-year consumer price figures will remain weak largely because of the correction in high oil costs seen last year. On financial conditions, policymakers said that while funding access had improved for large firms, credit for small enterprises remained limited.
Euro Session: What to Expect

With little of importance on the economic calendar, currency markets will be focused on the outcome of the ongoing Group of 20 (G20) summit of world leaders going on in Pittsburg. Traders’ concerns are two-fold: first, there are worries that policymakers will take recent signs of economic stabilization to agree on a path to withdrawing fiscal stimulus measures, nipping the recovery in the bud; second, it remains unclear what, if anything, will be agreed upon regarding regulations of risk-taking in the financial markets. On the former point, a draft G20 communiqué leaked by Reuters contained language saying leaders will maintain expansionary policies until the global recovery is secured, alleviating at least some concern. Little is known on the latter point, however, and any actions that are perceived to be too strong (which, in fact, would be any kind of broad-based agreement considering the difficulty of building consensus in the G20) are likely to send capital feeing out of risky investments and into safety-correlated assets like the US Dollar and the Japanese Yen.
Article Source - Currency Markets Look to G20 Summit Outcome to Guide Price Action (Euro Open)
Key Overnight Developments
• NZ Annual Trade Deficit Shrinks as Imports Fall for Fifth Month
• Bank of Japan Says Recovery After Stimulus, Restocking is “Uncertain”
Critical Levels

The Euro initially sold off but prices recovered late into the overnight session, adding much as 0.2% against the US Dollar. The British Pound continued to be sold, though prices recovered most of the drop in early trading that saw GBPUSD test as low as 1.5918, trading just below 1.60 ahead of the opening bell in Europe.
Asia Session Highlights

New Zealand’s annual Trade Balance deficit contracted to the narrowest in over six years, revealing a shortfall of –NZ$2.37 billion in August following a revised –NZ$2.49 billion result in the previous month as imports fell for the fifth straight month, shrinking -21.6% from a year before. The outcome speaks ill of domestic demand in the smaller antipodean nation, especially considering that the Kiwi Dollar has become considerably stronger over recent months, which should boost New Zealanders’ purchasing power of foreign goods and encourage imports. More of the same is likely going forward as unemployment continues to push higher, trimming incomes and discouraging spending. Indeed, a survey of economists conducted by Bloomberg forecasts the trade gap will shave just -6.6% on average off GDP this and next year, the smallest since 2004. To be fair, however, exchange rate movements take a long time to be reflected in trade figures, so it is possible that the currency’s recent gains may surface to widen the shortfall in the months ahead. The deficit grew –NZ$725 million from July, more than the –NZ$329 million expected, but monthly figures tend to be volatile and looking at annualized readings offers better gauge of trade flows’ direction.
Minutes from the August policy meeting of the Bank of Japan revealed that while policymakers agreed that “overseas economic conditions have stopped worsening,” but expressed concern that the pace and sustainability of recovery after the effects of fiscal stimulus and the inventory restocking cycle run their course “remained highly uncertain.” Members concurred that exports will probably continue to improve for the time being as overseas markets stabilize, but domestic consumption will remain weak as unemployment continues notwithstanding isolated policy-induced spikes in purchases of specific items such as cars and electrical appliances. On inflation, members concluded that year-on-year consumer price figures will remain weak largely because of the correction in high oil costs seen last year. On financial conditions, policymakers said that while funding access had improved for large firms, credit for small enterprises remained limited.
Euro Session: What to Expect

With little of importance on the economic calendar, currency markets will be focused on the outcome of the ongoing Group of 20 (G20) summit of world leaders going on in Pittsburg. Traders’ concerns are two-fold: first, there are worries that policymakers will take recent signs of economic stabilization to agree on a path to withdrawing fiscal stimulus measures, nipping the recovery in the bud; second, it remains unclear what, if anything, will be agreed upon regarding regulations of risk-taking in the financial markets. On the former point, a draft G20 communiqué leaked by Reuters contained language saying leaders will maintain expansionary policies until the global recovery is secured, alleviating at least some concern. Little is known on the latter point, however, and any actions that are perceived to be too strong (which, in fact, would be any kind of broad-based agreement considering the difficulty of building consensus in the G20) are likely to send capital feeing out of risky investments and into safety-correlated assets like the US Dollar and the Japanese Yen.
Article Source - Currency Markets Look to G20 Summit Outcome to Guide Price Action (Euro Open)
jeudi 24 septembre 2009
Thursday Robot Recap
Thursday was a very slow day.The market was down. The yen crosses took a dive. Everyone is getting antsy about stocks, news reports, and the month of September. OMG, the risk! My robot snoozed for much of the day and had little chance to earn anything useful.However, amidst all the whining I have to realize that being up about 4.5% for the week isn't so bad.Regardless, I did tweak things a
USD Up on Fed Statements; Oil Sinks on Demand Concerns
The US Federal Reserve yesterday upgraded its assessment of the U.S. economy, saying growth had returned after a deep recession. As expected, the Fed kept its target for its federal funds rate set at a range of zero to 0.25%. The previously weakened Dollar had been propping up commodity prices. Following the US Crude Oil Inventory report yesterday, oil prices dropped nearly 4% to below $68.50 a barrel. The Fed statement, which pushed the US Dollar up, only helped extend these decreases in oil prices.

USD - Dollar Optimism High Following Fed Statements
The Dollar rallied yesterday against most of its major counterparts amid concern that the Federal Reserve is nearing the end of its efforts to lift the economy out of recession. The Dollar has been sold-off recently partially due to growing optimism about the outlook for the U.S. economy. The USD finished yesterday's trading session 100 pips higher against the EUR at the1.4700 level.
The Federal Reserve yesterday upgraded its assessment of the U.S. economy, saying growth had returned after a deep recession. As expected, the Fed kept its target for its federal funds rate set at a range of zero to 0.25%. The Fed repeated that it continues to anticipate that economic conditions are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels of the federal funds rate for an extended period.
The Fed also said it would slow its purchases of mortgage debt to extend that program's life until the end of March, in a move toward withdrawing the central bank's extraordinary support for the economy and markets during the contraction. Analysts had expected the move, which smoothes out the purchases.
Looking ahead to today, the most important economic indicators scheduled to be released from the U.S. are the Unemployment Claims and Existing Home Sales at 12:30 GMT and 14:00 GMT respectively. Traders will be paying close attention to today's announcement as a stronger than expected result may continue to boost the USD in the short-term. Traders are also advised to follow FOMC member Evan's speech at around 14:30 GMT. This speech is very important as it is likely to impact the Dollar's volatility. Traders are advised to watch closely, as this is likely to set the pace of the Dollar's movements going into the rest of the week's trading.
EUR - EUR Declines as Stock Market Falls
The EUR fell to session lows against the U.S. Dollar yesterday, weighed down by declines in stocks following early gains. This came after the Federal Reserve signaled that interest rates will remain low for some time. By yesterday's close, the EUR had fallen against the USD, pushing the oft-traded currency pair to 1.4700. The EUR experienced similar behavior against the GBP and closed at 0.9000.
Europe's manufacturing and service industries expanded for a second month in September, suggesting that the Euro-Zone regional economy is gathering strength and showing signs of emerging from its worst recession in more than six decades after governments stepped up stimulus measures and the European Central Bank (ECB) injected billions of euros into markets.
In addition, European economic confidence rose to a 10-month high in August but rising unemployment is a reason to remain prudent about the economic outlook.
Investors may look for the unusual price volatility to continue in the EUR/USD as the pair attempts to stabilize and find new support and resistance lines. Large price jumps such as these are not common place and present terrific opportunities to take advantage of the price swings for large profitable gains.
JPY - Yen Trading Down against Currency Rivals
The Japanese Yen saw a bearish trading session yesterday, losing ground against most of its currency crosses. The JPY fell against the USD after several days of recovery, while the GBP/JPY cross also rose to around 149.40. The only economic events out of Japan yesterday were the trade balance figures; only slightly changed from forecasts as volatility was kept to a minimum.
Japan's exports fell in August for an 11th consecutive month as recovery struggled to gain traction in the island economy. Bank of Japan Governor Shirakawa said last week that he is concerned the recovery may not outlast the worldwide stimulus packages that boosted demand for the country's cars and electronics. The central bank cited exports as the main reason for raising its assessment of the economy last week, as record unemployment and slumping wages weaken consumer spending.
Another headwind for Japanese exporters is an appreciating currency. The yen has gained more than 7% against the Dollar in the past six months, threatening to erode companies' profits earned abroad.
Crude Oil - Oil Drops as Inventory Rises; Demand Concern?
Oil prices dropped nearly 4% to below $68.50 a barrel during yesterday's trading session. This drop came after a U.S. government report showed Crude Oil inventories rose more than expected, rekindling worries that energy demand in the world's biggest consumer will be slow to recover in the wake of the recession.
The International Energy Agency (IEA) said that the inventories rose to 2.8 million barrels in the week September 18, against analysts' expectations of a 1.5 million barrel decline.
A weak Dollar had been propping up prices recently. The greenback was narrowly mixed against the JPY, EUR and GBP on Wednesday. Oil, like other commodities, is priced in dollars so when the U.S. currency weakens, commodities become cheaper for investors holding other currencies.
As for today, traders should pay attention to the U.S Unemployment Claims report as it has tended to have an impact on Crude Oil's prices recently, especially in the short-term.
Article Source - USD Up on Fed Statements; Oil Sinks on Demand Concerns

USD - Dollar Optimism High Following Fed Statements
The Dollar rallied yesterday against most of its major counterparts amid concern that the Federal Reserve is nearing the end of its efforts to lift the economy out of recession. The Dollar has been sold-off recently partially due to growing optimism about the outlook for the U.S. economy. The USD finished yesterday's trading session 100 pips higher against the EUR at the1.4700 level.
The Federal Reserve yesterday upgraded its assessment of the U.S. economy, saying growth had returned after a deep recession. As expected, the Fed kept its target for its federal funds rate set at a range of zero to 0.25%. The Fed repeated that it continues to anticipate that economic conditions are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels of the federal funds rate for an extended period.
The Fed also said it would slow its purchases of mortgage debt to extend that program's life until the end of March, in a move toward withdrawing the central bank's extraordinary support for the economy and markets during the contraction. Analysts had expected the move, which smoothes out the purchases.
Looking ahead to today, the most important economic indicators scheduled to be released from the U.S. are the Unemployment Claims and Existing Home Sales at 12:30 GMT and 14:00 GMT respectively. Traders will be paying close attention to today's announcement as a stronger than expected result may continue to boost the USD in the short-term. Traders are also advised to follow FOMC member Evan's speech at around 14:30 GMT. This speech is very important as it is likely to impact the Dollar's volatility. Traders are advised to watch closely, as this is likely to set the pace of the Dollar's movements going into the rest of the week's trading.
EUR - EUR Declines as Stock Market Falls
The EUR fell to session lows against the U.S. Dollar yesterday, weighed down by declines in stocks following early gains. This came after the Federal Reserve signaled that interest rates will remain low for some time. By yesterday's close, the EUR had fallen against the USD, pushing the oft-traded currency pair to 1.4700. The EUR experienced similar behavior against the GBP and closed at 0.9000.
Europe's manufacturing and service industries expanded for a second month in September, suggesting that the Euro-Zone regional economy is gathering strength and showing signs of emerging from its worst recession in more than six decades after governments stepped up stimulus measures and the European Central Bank (ECB) injected billions of euros into markets.
In addition, European economic confidence rose to a 10-month high in August but rising unemployment is a reason to remain prudent about the economic outlook.
Investors may look for the unusual price volatility to continue in the EUR/USD as the pair attempts to stabilize and find new support and resistance lines. Large price jumps such as these are not common place and present terrific opportunities to take advantage of the price swings for large profitable gains.
JPY - Yen Trading Down against Currency Rivals
The Japanese Yen saw a bearish trading session yesterday, losing ground against most of its currency crosses. The JPY fell against the USD after several days of recovery, while the GBP/JPY cross also rose to around 149.40. The only economic events out of Japan yesterday were the trade balance figures; only slightly changed from forecasts as volatility was kept to a minimum.
Japan's exports fell in August for an 11th consecutive month as recovery struggled to gain traction in the island economy. Bank of Japan Governor Shirakawa said last week that he is concerned the recovery may not outlast the worldwide stimulus packages that boosted demand for the country's cars and electronics. The central bank cited exports as the main reason for raising its assessment of the economy last week, as record unemployment and slumping wages weaken consumer spending.
Another headwind for Japanese exporters is an appreciating currency. The yen has gained more than 7% against the Dollar in the past six months, threatening to erode companies' profits earned abroad.
Crude Oil - Oil Drops as Inventory Rises; Demand Concern?
Oil prices dropped nearly 4% to below $68.50 a barrel during yesterday's trading session. This drop came after a U.S. government report showed Crude Oil inventories rose more than expected, rekindling worries that energy demand in the world's biggest consumer will be slow to recover in the wake of the recession.
The International Energy Agency (IEA) said that the inventories rose to 2.8 million barrels in the week September 18, against analysts' expectations of a 1.5 million barrel decline.
A weak Dollar had been propping up prices recently. The greenback was narrowly mixed against the JPY, EUR and GBP on Wednesday. Oil, like other commodities, is priced in dollars so when the U.S. currency weakens, commodities become cheaper for investors holding other currencies.
As for today, traders should pay attention to the U.S Unemployment Claims report as it has tended to have an impact on Crude Oil's prices recently, especially in the short-term.
Article Source - USD Up on Fed Statements; Oil Sinks on Demand Concerns
Euro in Play with German IFO to Show Business Outlook Rose for Third Month (Euro Open)
The Euro may see near-term gains as Germany’s IFO Survey shows that business confidence in the Euro Zone’s largest economy rose for the third straight month to hit the highest level since May 2008, but sentiment may not be supportive in the longer term.
Key Overnight Developments
• Japanese Trade Surplus Shrinks on Export Weakness
• Australia's New Home Sales Matched Record Gain in August
• RBA Says Financial System Resilient But Risks Remain
Critical Levels

The Euro consolidated near the 1.47 level in overnight trading, yielding a flat result ahead of the opening bell in Europe. The British Pound advanced, adding as much as 0.3% against the greenback. We continue to hold a short GBPUSD position, initially targeting 1.6112.
Asia Session Highlights

Japan’s Merchandise Trade Balance surplus narrowed to 185.7 billion yen in August as overseas shrank -36% from the previous year, marking the 11th consecutive contraction. Economists had expected a greater decline, calling for a 157 billion result. Export volumes shrank for the first time since May, with shipments to the European Union leading the way lower. The data may be hinting that the $12 trillion or so in fiscal stimulus spent by the world’s governments to stabilize growth that had boosted demand for Japanese products may be running out of steam. Indeed Bank of Japan chief Maasaki Shirakawa expressed concern that his country’s economic rebound may survive once worldwide expansionary policies are reversed. A stronger currency may have also contributed to the outcome: the Yen strengthened by 1.9% in trade-weighted terms in August, the most since January. While this would typically raise fears that formerly activist Japanese policymakers will intervene into the markets to drive down the currency, incoming DPJ Finance Minister Hirohisa Fujii said last week that it was not the government’s job to set exchange rates and that a stronger Yen had its advantages, clearly signaling that Japanese authorities will stand aside from here. The trade balance is expected to continue to contract in the months, with a survey of economists polled by Bloomberg forecasting that net exports will add on average 2.4% to GDP through this year and in 2010, the least since 2001.
Australia’s Housing Industry Association (HIA) reported that New Home Sales surged 11.4% in August, matching the record-setting monthly gain in January 2008. However, property sales began to rebound in May after the government extended a scheme offering an A$21,000 grant for first-time home buyers, so it still remains suspect whether momentum can remain supported after the flow of stimulus cash dries up. Indeed, unemployment continues to climb, with expectations calling for the jobless rate to approach 8% next year, while the HIA’s own Housing Affordability Index fell for the first time in 15 months in the second quarter.
Separately, the RBA’s semi-annual Financial Stability Review was broadly balanced, saying that although the Australian financial system remains resilient and funding conditions for banks have improved, recent progress can owes significantly to government guarantees on lending and loan losses may still rise in the future. The central bank also cautioned that business borrowing has continued to decline (which spells trouble for employment) and the commercial property market has weakened, contributing to the possibility of renewed problems from bad loans ahead.
Euro Session: What to Expect

Germany’s IFO Survey of business confidence is expected to show that the pessimists about the economy’s six-month economic climate outlook among polled firms outnumbered the optimists by the narrowest margin since May last year, with the Expectations index rising to 96.6 in September. A reading above 100 suggests the majority of respondents were optimistic, and vice versa. While the improvement may engineer some short-term gains for the Euro in the aftermath of the announcement, it remains questionable whether sentiment will remain supportive as the effects of fiscal stimulus both in Germany and abroad that has boosted domestic demand and exports in recent months are exhausted. As it stands, a survey of economists conducted by Bloomberg suggests that the Euro Zone’s largest economy will underperform all of the G10 excluding Japan this year and remain behind the US and commodity bloc countries (Canada, Australia, New Zealand) into 2010. This suggests the ECB will be among the laggards as central banks begin to lift interest rates from current lows, an outcome that bodes well for business climate surveys (for surely businesses prefer lower borrowing costs to higher ones) but will likely weigh on the single currency.
Article Source - Euro in Play with German IFO to Show Business Outlook Rose for Third Month (Euro Open)
Key Overnight Developments
• Japanese Trade Surplus Shrinks on Export Weakness
• Australia's New Home Sales Matched Record Gain in August
• RBA Says Financial System Resilient But Risks Remain
Critical Levels

The Euro consolidated near the 1.47 level in overnight trading, yielding a flat result ahead of the opening bell in Europe. The British Pound advanced, adding as much as 0.3% against the greenback. We continue to hold a short GBPUSD position, initially targeting 1.6112.
Asia Session Highlights

Japan’s Merchandise Trade Balance surplus narrowed to 185.7 billion yen in August as overseas shrank -36% from the previous year, marking the 11th consecutive contraction. Economists had expected a greater decline, calling for a 157 billion result. Export volumes shrank for the first time since May, with shipments to the European Union leading the way lower. The data may be hinting that the $12 trillion or so in fiscal stimulus spent by the world’s governments to stabilize growth that had boosted demand for Japanese products may be running out of steam. Indeed Bank of Japan chief Maasaki Shirakawa expressed concern that his country’s economic rebound may survive once worldwide expansionary policies are reversed. A stronger currency may have also contributed to the outcome: the Yen strengthened by 1.9% in trade-weighted terms in August, the most since January. While this would typically raise fears that formerly activist Japanese policymakers will intervene into the markets to drive down the currency, incoming DPJ Finance Minister Hirohisa Fujii said last week that it was not the government’s job to set exchange rates and that a stronger Yen had its advantages, clearly signaling that Japanese authorities will stand aside from here. The trade balance is expected to continue to contract in the months, with a survey of economists polled by Bloomberg forecasting that net exports will add on average 2.4% to GDP through this year and in 2010, the least since 2001.
Australia’s Housing Industry Association (HIA) reported that New Home Sales surged 11.4% in August, matching the record-setting monthly gain in January 2008. However, property sales began to rebound in May after the government extended a scheme offering an A$21,000 grant for first-time home buyers, so it still remains suspect whether momentum can remain supported after the flow of stimulus cash dries up. Indeed, unemployment continues to climb, with expectations calling for the jobless rate to approach 8% next year, while the HIA’s own Housing Affordability Index fell for the first time in 15 months in the second quarter.
Separately, the RBA’s semi-annual Financial Stability Review was broadly balanced, saying that although the Australian financial system remains resilient and funding conditions for banks have improved, recent progress can owes significantly to government guarantees on lending and loan losses may still rise in the future. The central bank also cautioned that business borrowing has continued to decline (which spells trouble for employment) and the commercial property market has weakened, contributing to the possibility of renewed problems from bad loans ahead.
Euro Session: What to Expect

Germany’s IFO Survey of business confidence is expected to show that the pessimists about the economy’s six-month economic climate outlook among polled firms outnumbered the optimists by the narrowest margin since May last year, with the Expectations index rising to 96.6 in September. A reading above 100 suggests the majority of respondents were optimistic, and vice versa. While the improvement may engineer some short-term gains for the Euro in the aftermath of the announcement, it remains questionable whether sentiment will remain supportive as the effects of fiscal stimulus both in Germany and abroad that has boosted domestic demand and exports in recent months are exhausted. As it stands, a survey of economists conducted by Bloomberg suggests that the Euro Zone’s largest economy will underperform all of the G10 excluding Japan this year and remain behind the US and commodity bloc countries (Canada, Australia, New Zealand) into 2010. This suggests the ECB will be among the laggards as central banks begin to lift interest rates from current lows, an outcome that bodes well for business climate surveys (for surely businesses prefer lower borrowing costs to higher ones) but will likely weigh on the single currency.
Article Source - Euro in Play with German IFO to Show Business Outlook Rose for Third Month (Euro Open)
mercredi 23 septembre 2009
Wednesday Status
Wednesday was a slow day.The AUDJPY was very quiet, which left little opportunity for my robot to extract revenue. In fact, with the DOW drop at the end of the trading day today we may be looking at a bit of a downward correction over the next little while.My robot is not very active during downward movements. So, I'll get bored, worry about long term profitability, and otherwise be motivated
U.S. Interest Rates on Tap
Following two relatively peaceful trading days, today is filled with news publications from the major economies. Starting at 06:45 and until 09:00 (GMT) traders are advised to follow the news events from the Euro-Zone. Later on, the Crude Oil Inventories will be published at 14:30 (GMT). This indicator tends to have an instant impact on Crude Oil prices, and traders should use it with their trading. Finally, at 18:15 (GMT), the Federal Reserve will announce the U.S Interest Rates for September. This promises to create hefty volatility in the market, which should provide various opportunities for traders to enlarge profits.

USD - The Dollar Falls before Federal Reserve Meeting
The U.S Dollar's weakness resumed, as global investors again embraced risks, reducing safe-haven demand for the U.S. currency, as traders took positions on the first day of the Federal Reserve monetary policy meeting. The U.S. Dollar also weakened on speculation that the Group of 20 leaders, meeting in Pittsburgh starting tomorrow, will call for a reduction in global trade imbalances that may cause further gains in the greenback's counterparts. The greenback traded at $1.4794 per EUR from $1.4790 yesterday, after declining to $1.4842 earlier on, the lowest level since September 22, 2008.
The hard-pressed Dollar had gained some ground Monday as equity markets weakened, with traders tying a decline in risk appetite to caution ahead of the Fed meeting, as well as the summit of Group of 20 leaders at the end of the week. But Tuesday's resumption of risk appetite may reflect views in the market that neither event is likely to produce meaningful changes analysts said.
Market sentiment toward the USD remains bearish. Analysts expect the Fed to signal its ultra-loose monetary policy will remain in place well into next year. Additionally, as the G20 to discusses rebalancing the global economy this will almost certainly further weaken the Dollar. The Federal Reserve is widely expected to leave Interest Rates unchanged. But markets will seek out clues on the Fed's asset purchases. Any sign that the Fed intends to continue its quantitative easing measures beyond this year could send the U.S Dollar to record lows.
EUR - Euro Hits $1.48 for the First Time in a Year
The EUR traded at a 1 year high against a sliding Dollar on Wednesday, as traders took advantage of the U.S. currency's rise the previous day to resume selling ahead of a Federal Reserve monetary policy meeting. The European currency advanced as hopes for a global recovery prompted investors to shift money to higher-yielding currencies from the safe-haven greenback.
In late trading, the EUR was up 0.8% at $1.4796 after options-related demand and strong Asian buying pushed it above $1.48 for the first time since September 2008. European Central Bank (ECB) Governing Council member Axel Weber said on Tuesday recent moves in currency markets were surprising given the Euro-Zone's economic performance relative to other major economies. Traders expect the $1.4870 level may be the next target in EUR/USD cross, with many predicting an eventual move back to $1.50.
The British Pound also gained against the U.S Dollar for the first time in 4 days, as stocks rallied around the world on evidence that the global economic recovery is accelerating. The British currency advanced 1% to $1.6376. The GBP rose 0.2% against the EUR to 90.33 pence, ending a 6 day losing streak. Against the EUR, the British currency rebounded from near the lowest level in more than 5 months after Goldman Sachs Group Inc. recommended selling the common European currency against Sterling.
JPY - Yen Gains as USD Remains Under Pressure
The Japanese Yen extended its gains on Wednesday vs. the greenback as investors unloaded the U.S. currency ahead of meetings by the Federal Reserve and the G20 leaders this week. The currency gained for a 2nd day against the U.S Dollar on speculation world leaders will discuss policies to rebalance global economic growth at the G20 meeting this week. The JPY climbed to 90.82 Yen per Dollar from 91.10, and rose to 134.40 Yen per EUR from 134.76.
The Japanese currency is likely to strengthen further before new Finance Minister Hirohisa Fujii takes office this month; he said a strong Yen was generally good as it boosted the purchasing power of Japan's economy. Fujii subsequently backed away from that comment, but speculation will remain that after sweeping to power last month, the Democratic Party of Japan may try to shift the country away from its reliance on exports and its opposition to Yen strength.
Crude Oil - Crude Rebounds as Inventories are Expected to Decline
Crude Oil prices rose Tuesday to above $72 a barrel, as pressure on the Dollar and expectations for a further drop in U.S. Crude inventories boosted market sentiment. Weekly petroleum data is likely to show that stockpiles of Crude fell again last week, as imports remained low analysts said. Last week, the EIA said Crude Oil Inventories decreased by 4.7 million barrels in the week ending Sept. 11, as imports dropped 2.1% from a week ago.
The move in Crude Oil today is likely to be supported by a fresh wave of selling of the U.S. Dollar. Traders will be waiting for U.S. Crude inventory data from the American Petroleum Institute and the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Also of interest to commodities traders is leaders of the world's most powerful economies will convene in Pittsburgh later this week for the G20 Summit.
Article Source - U.S. Interest Rates on Tap

USD - The Dollar Falls before Federal Reserve Meeting
The U.S Dollar's weakness resumed, as global investors again embraced risks, reducing safe-haven demand for the U.S. currency, as traders took positions on the first day of the Federal Reserve monetary policy meeting. The U.S. Dollar also weakened on speculation that the Group of 20 leaders, meeting in Pittsburgh starting tomorrow, will call for a reduction in global trade imbalances that may cause further gains in the greenback's counterparts. The greenback traded at $1.4794 per EUR from $1.4790 yesterday, after declining to $1.4842 earlier on, the lowest level since September 22, 2008.
The hard-pressed Dollar had gained some ground Monday as equity markets weakened, with traders tying a decline in risk appetite to caution ahead of the Fed meeting, as well as the summit of Group of 20 leaders at the end of the week. But Tuesday's resumption of risk appetite may reflect views in the market that neither event is likely to produce meaningful changes analysts said.
Market sentiment toward the USD remains bearish. Analysts expect the Fed to signal its ultra-loose monetary policy will remain in place well into next year. Additionally, as the G20 to discusses rebalancing the global economy this will almost certainly further weaken the Dollar. The Federal Reserve is widely expected to leave Interest Rates unchanged. But markets will seek out clues on the Fed's asset purchases. Any sign that the Fed intends to continue its quantitative easing measures beyond this year could send the U.S Dollar to record lows.
EUR - Euro Hits $1.48 for the First Time in a Year
The EUR traded at a 1 year high against a sliding Dollar on Wednesday, as traders took advantage of the U.S. currency's rise the previous day to resume selling ahead of a Federal Reserve monetary policy meeting. The European currency advanced as hopes for a global recovery prompted investors to shift money to higher-yielding currencies from the safe-haven greenback.
In late trading, the EUR was up 0.8% at $1.4796 after options-related demand and strong Asian buying pushed it above $1.48 for the first time since September 2008. European Central Bank (ECB) Governing Council member Axel Weber said on Tuesday recent moves in currency markets were surprising given the Euro-Zone's economic performance relative to other major economies. Traders expect the $1.4870 level may be the next target in EUR/USD cross, with many predicting an eventual move back to $1.50.
The British Pound also gained against the U.S Dollar for the first time in 4 days, as stocks rallied around the world on evidence that the global economic recovery is accelerating. The British currency advanced 1% to $1.6376. The GBP rose 0.2% against the EUR to 90.33 pence, ending a 6 day losing streak. Against the EUR, the British currency rebounded from near the lowest level in more than 5 months after Goldman Sachs Group Inc. recommended selling the common European currency against Sterling.
JPY - Yen Gains as USD Remains Under Pressure
The Japanese Yen extended its gains on Wednesday vs. the greenback as investors unloaded the U.S. currency ahead of meetings by the Federal Reserve and the G20 leaders this week. The currency gained for a 2nd day against the U.S Dollar on speculation world leaders will discuss policies to rebalance global economic growth at the G20 meeting this week. The JPY climbed to 90.82 Yen per Dollar from 91.10, and rose to 134.40 Yen per EUR from 134.76.
The Japanese currency is likely to strengthen further before new Finance Minister Hirohisa Fujii takes office this month; he said a strong Yen was generally good as it boosted the purchasing power of Japan's economy. Fujii subsequently backed away from that comment, but speculation will remain that after sweeping to power last month, the Democratic Party of Japan may try to shift the country away from its reliance on exports and its opposition to Yen strength.
Crude Oil - Crude Rebounds as Inventories are Expected to Decline
Crude Oil prices rose Tuesday to above $72 a barrel, as pressure on the Dollar and expectations for a further drop in U.S. Crude inventories boosted market sentiment. Weekly petroleum data is likely to show that stockpiles of Crude fell again last week, as imports remained low analysts said. Last week, the EIA said Crude Oil Inventories decreased by 4.7 million barrels in the week ending Sept. 11, as imports dropped 2.1% from a week ago.
The move in Crude Oil today is likely to be supported by a fresh wave of selling of the U.S. Dollar. Traders will be waiting for U.S. Crude inventory data from the American Petroleum Institute and the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Also of interest to commodities traders is leaders of the world's most powerful economies will convene in Pittsburgh later this week for the G20 Summit.
Article Source - U.S. Interest Rates on Tap
British Pound Volatility Threat High as Currency Markets Focus on BOE Minutes (Euro Open)
The British Pound may be in for a volatile session ahead as the release of minutes from this month’s Bank of England monetary policy meeting top the economic calendar in European hours. Currency markets were active in overnight after New Zealand GDP unexpectedly expanded and the Chinese central bank deputy governor sounded off against the US Dollar.
Key Overnight Developments
• Currency Surges as New Zealand GDP Unexpectedly Grows in Second Quarter
• USD Drops After PBOC’s Hu Says Dollar-Reserve System Must Change
Critical Levels

The Euro trended higher against the US Dollar in overnight trading, testing as high as 1.4842. The British Pound also advanced, adding as much as 0.4% against the greenback. We continue to hold a short GBPUSD position, initially targeting 1.6112.
Asia Session Highlights

New Zealand’s Gross Domestic Product unexpectedly added 0.1% in the three months to June, snapping five consecutive quarters of losses. Economists were forecasting a -0.2% result ahead of the release. The economy shrank -2.1% from a year before, less than the expected -2.6% decline. The Reserve Bank of New Zealand was among those calling for a contraction when Governor Alan Bollard said the bank expected to “keep [interest rates] at or below the current level…until the latter part of 2010” at the monetary policy announcement earlier this month, and traders seemingly took today’s release to mean the time table will now accelerate. Indeed, a Credit Suisse gauge of priced-in rate hike expectations for the coming year jumped 13 basis points to a record high and the New Zealand Dollar surged to a fresh 2009 high against a trade-weighted basket of top currencies.
The US Dollar Index (an average of the greenback’s value against six major counterparts) spiked to a fresh yearly low after the Chinese central bank’s deputy governor Hu Xiaolian wrote in a paper posted on the G20 website ahead of the group’s summit in Pittsburg this week that the current crisis was due in part to the Dollar’s role as global reserve currency. Hu, who is also the former director of China’s foreign-exchange authority, went on to say that the world stands at risk of an asset bubble and potentially another crisis akin to the current one if the global monetary system is not changed.
Euro Session: What to Expect

The release of minutes from this month’s Bank of England monetary policy meeting headline the economic calendar in European hours. The announcement itself produced no surprises with interest rates left at 0.5% and the magnitude of quantitative easing unchanged at 175 billion pounds. Just five days later, however, BOE chief Mervyn King gave resoundingly dovish testimony to House of Commons Treasury Committee, saying poor credit growth remains a direct drag on demand and revealing that policymakers are considering cutting the interest rate they pay on bank deposits to encourage idle reserves to be channeled into lending. The latter comment in particular sent the British Pound tumbling, with traders clearly caught off guard as the BOE was seemingly preparing for more, not less, monetary easing despite the recent uptick in leading economic indicators. This creates strong potential for sterling volatility as the markets dissect tonight’s release for any clues on how serious King and company are about the deposit rate idea and when (if ever) such an outcome may be expected. For our part, we speculated ahead of the September 10 rate announcement that the bank was preparing the markets for a change in policy after the asset-buying scheme largely failed to affect lending to the real economy. Indeed, although Mervyn King has said that the BOE was “beginning to see its impact on the supply of broad money,” the M4 measure of money stock grew at an annual pace of just 12.6% in August, the slowest in a year, while central bank’s own data showed net lending shrank for the first time in at least 16 years in July.
Separately, the British Bankers Association’s measure of Loans for House Purchase is set to show that mortgage approvals rose by 40,500 in August, the most since February 2008, hinting at stabilization in the property market. Earlier this week, a report from Rightmove Plc showed that UK house prices fell the least in a year in September, saying “confidence is up, stock is down and the number of people searching is high.” However, as we noted earlier, the rebound may have a hard time retaining traction with consumer sentiment apparently tracking equities and therefore is vulnerable to a (long overdue) correction in risky assets while unemployment continues to rise, with a survey of economists polled by Bloomberg calling for the jobless rate to top 9% next year.
Turning to the continent, a handful of Purchasing Manager Index releases are expected to come in broadly positive. In Germany, the manufacturing sector is expected to expand for the first time in 14 months while the pace of expansion in the service industry picks up to the fastest since April 2008. Manufacturing will likely continue to shrink in the Euro Zone as a whole but the rate of decline is set to moderate to the slowest since the sector first began to contract in May last year. The improvement can likely be attributed to the continued rebuilding of inventories after firms cut production and exhausted their stocks of goods last year and through the first quarter of 2009 amid the global economic downturn. Still, Industrial New Orders are expected to shrink -25.9% in the year to July, suggesting the pace of demand contraction will remain within the range noted since November of last year.
Written by Ilya Spivak, Currency Analyst
Article Source - British Pound Volatility Threat High as Currency Markets Focus on BOE Minutes (Euro Open)
Key Overnight Developments
• Currency Surges as New Zealand GDP Unexpectedly Grows in Second Quarter
• USD Drops After PBOC’s Hu Says Dollar-Reserve System Must Change
Critical Levels

The Euro trended higher against the US Dollar in overnight trading, testing as high as 1.4842. The British Pound also advanced, adding as much as 0.4% against the greenback. We continue to hold a short GBPUSD position, initially targeting 1.6112.
Asia Session Highlights

New Zealand’s Gross Domestic Product unexpectedly added 0.1% in the three months to June, snapping five consecutive quarters of losses. Economists were forecasting a -0.2% result ahead of the release. The economy shrank -2.1% from a year before, less than the expected -2.6% decline. The Reserve Bank of New Zealand was among those calling for a contraction when Governor Alan Bollard said the bank expected to “keep [interest rates] at or below the current level…until the latter part of 2010” at the monetary policy announcement earlier this month, and traders seemingly took today’s release to mean the time table will now accelerate. Indeed, a Credit Suisse gauge of priced-in rate hike expectations for the coming year jumped 13 basis points to a record high and the New Zealand Dollar surged to a fresh 2009 high against a trade-weighted basket of top currencies.
The US Dollar Index (an average of the greenback’s value against six major counterparts) spiked to a fresh yearly low after the Chinese central bank’s deputy governor Hu Xiaolian wrote in a paper posted on the G20 website ahead of the group’s summit in Pittsburg this week that the current crisis was due in part to the Dollar’s role as global reserve currency. Hu, who is also the former director of China’s foreign-exchange authority, went on to say that the world stands at risk of an asset bubble and potentially another crisis akin to the current one if the global monetary system is not changed.
Euro Session: What to Expect

The release of minutes from this month’s Bank of England monetary policy meeting headline the economic calendar in European hours. The announcement itself produced no surprises with interest rates left at 0.5% and the magnitude of quantitative easing unchanged at 175 billion pounds. Just five days later, however, BOE chief Mervyn King gave resoundingly dovish testimony to House of Commons Treasury Committee, saying poor credit growth remains a direct drag on demand and revealing that policymakers are considering cutting the interest rate they pay on bank deposits to encourage idle reserves to be channeled into lending. The latter comment in particular sent the British Pound tumbling, with traders clearly caught off guard as the BOE was seemingly preparing for more, not less, monetary easing despite the recent uptick in leading economic indicators. This creates strong potential for sterling volatility as the markets dissect tonight’s release for any clues on how serious King and company are about the deposit rate idea and when (if ever) such an outcome may be expected. For our part, we speculated ahead of the September 10 rate announcement that the bank was preparing the markets for a change in policy after the asset-buying scheme largely failed to affect lending to the real economy. Indeed, although Mervyn King has said that the BOE was “beginning to see its impact on the supply of broad money,” the M4 measure of money stock grew at an annual pace of just 12.6% in August, the slowest in a year, while central bank’s own data showed net lending shrank for the first time in at least 16 years in July.
Separately, the British Bankers Association’s measure of Loans for House Purchase is set to show that mortgage approvals rose by 40,500 in August, the most since February 2008, hinting at stabilization in the property market. Earlier this week, a report from Rightmove Plc showed that UK house prices fell the least in a year in September, saying “confidence is up, stock is down and the number of people searching is high.” However, as we noted earlier, the rebound may have a hard time retaining traction with consumer sentiment apparently tracking equities and therefore is vulnerable to a (long overdue) correction in risky assets while unemployment continues to rise, with a survey of economists polled by Bloomberg calling for the jobless rate to top 9% next year.
Turning to the continent, a handful of Purchasing Manager Index releases are expected to come in broadly positive. In Germany, the manufacturing sector is expected to expand for the first time in 14 months while the pace of expansion in the service industry picks up to the fastest since April 2008. Manufacturing will likely continue to shrink in the Euro Zone as a whole but the rate of decline is set to moderate to the slowest since the sector first began to contract in May last year. The improvement can likely be attributed to the continued rebuilding of inventories after firms cut production and exhausted their stocks of goods last year and through the first quarter of 2009 amid the global economic downturn. Still, Industrial New Orders are expected to shrink -25.9% in the year to July, suggesting the pace of demand contraction will remain within the range noted since November of last year.
Written by Ilya Spivak, Currency Analyst
Article Source - British Pound Volatility Threat High as Currency Markets Focus on BOE Minutes (Euro Open)
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